Welp, that was unexpected

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Several weeks have passed, nothing really happened, it was pretty uneventful, but it gave time to think about what I am going to do when I become god, probably what a god should do, what a god should do again? well, I'll ask him when the summer is over, we are allready half way through so it won't be long, Dipcifica is a thing now, these two are made for eachother, I'm happy for them, not everyone can find their half, you'd be surprised how rare it is actually, Stan and Ford trust me now, that took way less effort and time then I thought, Bill got used to his new life, he is more cooperative now, he still is waiting for a chance to get away and destroy us all, but meh, who'd expect otherwise, things are going fast in the right way, Ford and McGucket work together to uncover the mysteries of the universe and all those things, the reaserch is going at an incredible speed becouse of Bill, maybe I should go back, is geting late andis about time for diner.

-Hey everyone, hope I'm not l...late, why is everyone staring at me?

-We know.

-Know what?

-About you, your powers, everything.

-So, that's it huh? you know, I was planing on spilling the beans when I'd have to leave anyway, why not leave earlier since you know and probably hate me like anyone would hate a liar, well then, guess this is goodbye, have a good life.

~Mable hugs him~

-Silly, you are the one who changed me and Dipper to the better, you got Dipper his first girlfriend and probably his soulmate and got rid of that ugly monster that tried to kill Dipper, you made sure Bill won't harm anyone again, not to mention that you brought back Stan and Ford from the dead, and those are only the ones I can recall at the momment, we don't hate, we can't thank you enough, and Soos told me about the other rhing, I kpretty much felt the same for a while now, so I wouldn't mind going on a date with you.

-Tsk, I'd rather have hate me, that way I won't make anyone sad anymore when I leave, I've had enough of that, you want to thank me, right? here it is how you can, hate me, despite me, that's how you can thank me.

-How can we ever hate you?

-That's how, Stanley, Stanford, the deal is off.

 ~Stan and Ford's hearts stoped beating and their lifeless bodies fell on the ground like a rock~

-STAN, FORD...they are dead, what have you done to them?!

-We made adeal, as long as they keep my secret they get their lifes back, they didn't kept the secret so I took those lifes back, i respect my deals, you more then anyone should know that Dipper.

-You killed them, you simply killed them like it was nothing.

-It was nothing, Mable

-How could you?

-They didn't keept their promise so neither did I.

-How could you?

~Mable slaps him~

-You hate me, don't you?


-Admit it, you hate me, you hate me more then anything.

~Mable notices that her hand is wet~

-You're crying...

~He vanishes~

-Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT ALL *loud sobs*.

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