New "friend"

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Looks like everyone is already awake, well, better go get some breakfast, I'm starving.

-Mornin' everyone, how's it going?

-Morning dude, Mable and Dipper are already gone on a walk wit Stan and Ford, they have some catching up to do.

-Some quality time with the family, I get it, good for them and since they're gone I can just spawn the ingredients for my breakfast.


Ahhh, the small plesures of life, the best ones.

-You sure are cheerful this morning dude.

-I love to make my breakfast in the morning, the best part of the day, and beside, I am going to get a new pet today.

-Are you going to get a puppy or something?

-Not exactly, you'll when I get him.

-Ok, dude.

-Ahhh, sandwiches and warm sweet milk, best breakfast I can ask for.

-You sure love your breakfast dude.

-Yep, as I said, best part of the day.

~After a few hours~

-Hey, Soos, how's the clock?

-Is 2 in the afternoon.

-Well, better get going, oh and, aren't you going to open the mistery shack?

-I keep it closed in the weekend.

-Mhm, well, I'll be back in a few hours, see ya then.

-See ya later dude.

-Oh, I'd like to ask you something.


-Do you know an unpopulated area around, I somewhere where there are no people on a 1Km radius, or something like that.

-Well, you can go deeper in the forest, If you want, but why?

-I'm goingto do something dangerous and I don't want any people to die or to make serious damage.

-But what is it that you're going to do dude?

-Get that pet.

-What pet are you going to get that it is so dangerous to get?

-Bill Cipher.


-Wasn't he soposed to be dead? yes, but managed to escape somehow.Why? Mable has a pig, why can't I have a triangular one-eyed creature.Isn't this to dangerous?Not for me, I am an all-powerful being after all.Even if you do manage to defeat him and make him your pet, how do you know he's not going to try something? Becouse I'll delete his powers, beside making thing fly he won't be able to do anything and even if he gets his hands on some power I'll deal with it, anything else?, I guess, dude, are you sure about this? do you know what he's capable of, he's crazy strong.

-I know what he is capable of, and I know that he is strong, but guess what, so am I, hehehe, so don't worry.

-Dude, that was creepy.

-That's me when a bad guy is about to get what he deserves, I'm becoming a little evil myself but is only twords my target, but it still is terrifing to watch, you can ask the twins about that.

*gulp*-Ok, just be careful dude.

-I will, thanks, see ya later.

-See ya.

Ok, I'm here, let's check again, not a single soul around, perfect, let's get this party started.

-Welcome back to the third dimension Bill and say hello to your new master.

-We'll see bout that kid.

-Look how this is going to go, you will go all out, come at me with all your might, and me, I will only punch you, this il all I will do and at the end you will be my pet and your little band will be dead.

-You realy piss me off kid, very well, let's get this started.

Fuck, did I punched too hard? is he dead?

-Hey, you dead?

-Not a chance kid, like something like that will put me down for good.

-Whew, thought I lost you there, ready to accept defeat?


-In that case, take some more.

I beat the shit out of him but he still gets up, his little band is already dead, this is geting annoying, I put him down again.

-Had enough?If you continue I will force you to obey.

-Where did you get all that power from.

-I died, had a little chat with the god from my dimension and this is all.

-What?! you are dead?

-Yes, anyway, are you going to come wilingly or do I have to force you.

-Not a chance.

-Ok then, if this is how you want this to be, time to put you in the leash, literally.

-What? where did this came from, kid, what have you done.

-I've made you my pet, and you are forced by this leash to do as I say, watch, sit.


-What? How?

-Now pay atention, you will not cause problems for anyone anymore, from now on you're my pet, do you understand?

-Like hell I--



-Yes sir.

-Wonderful, now let's go back home Bill.


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