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What a day, am I right, although I feel like I forget something.

~Ah yes, you're right, didn't you had a visitor~

-Oh fuck, we need to find him, well, I need to find him, you'll just sit there and watch, or, write.

~well, not much I can do about that, if I don't sit here and write, nothing happenes~

-Can't argue with that, but seriously mow, I need to find him.

-You mean me?

-Where in my name have you been?!

-I got lost in the forest.

-Let me guess, you entered the forest, gave some animal inteligence big enough to be able to play soccer with you, then forgot which way was back here.

-Hehehe, yep, and that wolf was amaizing, I mean, you should see how he steels the ball from your feet, you don't even see him coming.

-Of course. other then that, you ok? got yourself familiar with the place a little?


-Good, now you can just spawn a bed here and do...whatever, I don't care, this cold is killing me, I am tired AF after today, and I want to sleep, so, see ya in the morning.


~time warp to next morning, shall we~


-Ah, I needed that sleep, how's the clock doing? 12:13, damn I slept a lot, well better get this day started.

~on the hallway~

-Finaly up?

-Hey, you dpn't know what I've been through yesterday so shut up.

-You're just making excuses to get lazy, I've heard the whole storry from Mable, we both know you wouldn't be moved in the slitest for more then a day by anything, even if you want to, things happen, you either get sad or angry and then by the next morning everything is fine, that's just who you are, so much shit has been thrown at you that you've become imune, and that was long before you died, so don't you give me that...

-Shut the fuck up, would you, I'm not affected, and I'm not making excuses, yesterday simply wore me out, that's all, I needed some rest, not everyday I need to fix the whole Gravity Falls, hunt down the criminals and bring back from the dead one of my best friends and my girlfriend after they've been brutally tortured to death, and all of that during a terrible cold, I never had to push myself so hard just to get out of bed, allthough with all that rage in me I kinda forgot about the cold, I don't think I've ever been so mad.

-At least you got something out of that adventure.

-You mean the second Bill? Yeah, despite his incredebly cowardly personality, he's acually far more powerfull then the Bill from this dimension, at least double.

-He's not more powerful then me.

-Well, you have a god's powers so...only someone with the same kind of powers would be a challange.

-Like you?

-In power, we are equals, but in mind and experience, I'm much better so I'd beat your ass.

-Oh really?

-Yes, and please don't start, that battle wou;d probably, knowing you, on a much higher scale of destruction then a fich between two Saitama.

-Who's Saitama?

-Ugh, go back to our universe, whatch "One punch man" , come back, and then we can talk.

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