Well, shit

3 0 0


Damn this cold, it feels horrible, hey, looks like they're home.

~the portal opened but what came out of it, was his worst nightmare, the reverse Dipper and Mable came through that portal draging the classic Dipper and Mable's bodies, and they had a very evil grin on their faces, the second he saw that, his sickness vanished~


-Why do you have to WOW, why there are two of them and why two of them look dead?

-You wanted to get revenge on Mable and Dipper too right? Well, now's your chance, you can do whatever you want to these two standing here, but make sure it's as painful as possible, I'd love to do it myself but I have to take care that the two come back, by the way, I'll explain later this situation.

-OHOHOHO finaly some decent FUN.

~Bill tries to gram them but a blue Bill blocked him~

-What the, why am I blue and against myself?

-Oh yeah, I forgot about him.

~a blue colar appeared around the blue Bill~

-Now you do what I say, step aside, now.

~the Blue Bill's body moved on it's own, he was shoked, the same were reverse Dipper and Mable~

-I know exactly how that feals, now, where were we, ah yes, torturing you.

~they tried to use the ring they stole from Dipper~

-Sorry brats, but that works only if I allow it to work, I'm the one who made it after all.

~ now they are scared, very scared, terrified~

-I will join you when I finish up geting these two back, so leave some of the fun to me.

-Have anything in mind?

-You have no idea, see you later.

~and with that he vanished together with Mable and Dipper outside of time and space~

-What did they do to you, damn, no fingers, mutilated, not even your parents would be able to recognize you, she even lost an arm, damn, ok that's it, I was planing on going a little bit easy on them but this, this is unacceptable, but first, let's fix you two.

~their bodies started regenerating until they were completly healed, which took about an hour~

-Finaly, that took way longer then I expected, now let's bring their souls back.

~as he said that, Dipper started waking up~


-Calm dow, let her sleep, you should too, you've both been through a lot.

*violent cough*

-God, you look terrible.

-He has nothing to do with this situation, and you should've seen yourself before I fixed you, especialy her, they probably didn't let her bleed to death and killed her in some other way, heh, never knew  I had students.

-Hmhmhm, like you're an expert.

-Oh, but I am, I just didn't had the opportunity to show you, and I don't want to either, that's a part of me that I don't want people I care about to know of.

-Why is that?

-When I let that part of me out, I'm not human, not even a blood thirsty beast, I'm the devil himself, worse then Bill, worse then the reverse versions of you, worse then anything anyone has ever seen, If you see that, you will fear me more than anything, just by looking at me you will be traumatized for life.

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