Chapter 1

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There goes my '6 am alarm' clock. Half awake, half asleep I reached for the alarm clock. Letting out a big sigh, I got up; slipping into my bunny slippers I made my way into the glamorous bathroom. The bright light woke me up more as I brushed my teeth. Wearing a soft, comfy turquoise robe with my fiery red hair in a mess, I viewed at myself in the mirror. Stepping into the shower, turning on the warm water it was just another normal day, except it was back- to- school day. After finishing bathing, with my hair soaking wet I took 20 minutes to blow-dry my long thick hair.

I got into my school uniform, which was a navy blue polo skirts with white blouse shirt inside, a deep blue blaze on the outside. It also came with a white and blue tie which went perfectly with the uniform. This uniform is so beautiful but it's really hot when you put on the whole set. Today was a late August day, so the weather had this nice cool breeze to it. With this weather I had my hair in their natural loose curls which looked beautiful. Braiding it into a nice waterfall braid took me another 30 minutes. Just as I finished braiding there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The door burst open. Standing there was my mum.

"You look beautiful, Jackie."

My mum and I have been really close, while my dad is closer with my little brother George. Mum usually visits me, while dad visits George before we have breakfast. Today mum look glamorous as usual. Wearing a beautiful bright yellow skirt which falls all the way down to her knees, she topped it off with her signature tan heels. Her hazel long hair in tighter curls than mine. She looks beautiful!

"All done!" I said from my makeup table in the walk-through closet in my room.

"Are your bags all pack?" My mum asked while she made my huge turquoise bed.

"All packed and ready since yesterday!" I replied in an excited voice.

This is my last year at school, being this the most stressful and full of celebration year, I was especially excited than the other years. I'm only 12 but since I have a higher IQ than the other, I skipped a couple of years when I was younger so here I am. This is also the time for me to escape the press! Well, if you haven't figure it out I'm Her Royal Highness Princess Jacqueline of Cambridge. My parents are His Royal Highness Prince William and Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. I'm there first born and third in line to the throne. I have a younger brother, who in which is His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

As you know the press had always been a big problem for my families. Though there aren't many great memories we royals have with the press, but we know that there is no way we can escape this. But we always get through them. Anyway let's get back to this morning.

"Are you excited?"

"Of course I am, a whole year without the press bothering me at school is awesome!"

"Now you're making me jealous!"

"Come on let's go down to the dining room before George and Daddy get there!"

As we make our way down to the dining room, we bump into Uncle Harry; he is Daddy's younger brother. He is the best uncle ever! He has a great sense of humor, a caring heart and is extremely protective of his love ones. I spotted his red hair straight away when walking down the corridor, he was walking around the hallway when I came running down for him. Spotted me, he stopped and opens his arms, lifting me off the ground while giving me a huge hug.

"You look very smart today."

"Thank you! Are you heading down to the dining room to have breakfast?"

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