Chapter 10

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'Life sucks right now!' I internally groan.

I've been stuck on this hospital bed for the past month recovering and hiding from the hounding press outside. With the clips of me being shots multiple times and the moment I collapsed on the ground till the moment every single member of the royal household running out, the press is ecstatic. Like last time private tutors would come to my hospital bed each days and help me with class lessons, then a physical trainer/trainee would come in to help me with physical training. But this time as I told everyone to continue their royal engagements and just come visit me at night, security had been much tighter. Now I have an addition of 2 guards including Matthew with me, they are now my second hand. Anyway, back to my recovery.

Right now I'm holding to Matthew's arms with a dead grip due to the fact that it really hurt to walk. With every step I take I feel guiltier for pushing my family away from this and suddenly tears trickled down my face as I bury my face into Matthew's chest and slowly sink to the ground in the hallway. Seeing me like that all bodyguards rush to my aid but all I did was hug my legs to my chest and curl up into a ball, refusing to move.

Sitting on the side of the hallway while being surrounded by the bustling of the hospital my eyes became droopy, but I pushed myself to stay awake. Then suddenly alert when I heard shoes slammed on the ground repeatedly heading in my directions I sunk down lower shielding myself from danger. Then the sound of frightened nurses echoed the now empty hallway.

"Sir, can I asked you why is her highness here?"

"Your highness are you okay?"

As they quietly waited for my response, I just sat there unresponsive. Suddenly something unexpected brought me back to life. The sound of a familiar ticking made me crawled towards it but fortunately I only got a good 10 metres away from the group before a sudden force hit me. Shattered pieces of glass from windows all came straight at me poking every corner of my body. Slowly the right side (where I am) of the hospital collapsed making me fall downward. All happened in a sudden made me frozen in my spot. My mind only thought of the workers, doctors, nurses and patients feeling the impact right now. I thought that screams would ring out through the building but nothing. All I heard was silent except the sound of the building crumbling down.

Just then I realised that I'm going straight to an opening and was thankful for wearing jeans and sport shoes. Frantically I look around for something to hold on. Then just before I fall off the building I grabbed onto the side of the window. Now with pools of blood oozing out of me, my clothes are now drenched making it hard to keep a grip on the side of the window. Underneath me sound of terrified press, locals with patients and staffs (from the hospital) ring loudly through the whole city. Then there came the unexpected. Everyone took out their cellphones and called first response team to come.

Thinking that you're on top of a press field you would only hear the constant snap of cameras and reporters reporting this but it was plain silence. Soon realising that they are mourning for my young death tears start to flow down my cheeks like a broken dam. No voice left my mouth but just hysterical sobs. One lady from BBC saw that I was clearly in distressed rushed to find a speaker before yelling:

"Princess Jackie, hold on! The ambulances are coming."

Just as she said that I felt reassured and steady down my breathing as I hang on for my life. Then I did the unexpected and shouted back.

"I can't hold on much longer! My arms are still weak and my body aches from the sudden impact!" Tears streaming down my face as I look down at the pity faces of people standing underneath me.

"Hold on Princess! You got our support your highness!" The same reporter yelled back. Then someone started chanting:

"Princess Jackie! Princess Jackie! Princess Jackie..." Then the whole street joined in until I hear that it is chanted into the city, reaching to almost every corner of London.

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