Chapter 6

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"Come on darling, you can do it." Grandad Charles encouraged me.

I was learning how to sit up by myself unaccompany again. Today is my first day in physical training, well not completely since I learnt how to eat and write and pretty get my hands and arms to cooperate with my brain. But the next couple of weeks, probably months will be the toughest for me. That's why I'm pausing my private lessons for me to focus more on the training.

"You're almost there. We got you darling." Grandad Charles continued encouraging me.

Like expected, I won't be able to sit up straight away without support so everyone is by my side to catch me and help me once they think it's enough for the day. Nurses are standing nearby with Grandad by my side. Since I am really close to Grandad Charles, everyone decided that since today Grandad had the day off, why don't he help me on my first day of training.

Slowly getting the hang of thing I yelped in excitement. I sit up and down a couple more time until the session was over and back to motor skill therapy...

Things we're just the same like that for months before I got the hang of everything again, finally returning to my normal life. For the past months, luckily after Clarence House released a statement talking about my extended stayed at the hospital, relieving the crowd of paparazzi outside the hospital doors. But as soon as news about me going home today, the road crowded with paparazzi and locals all catching a glimpse of me and my family.

Mum, Dad and George came in this morning, all dress casually awaiting me. Mum brought me a nice flowy short yellow dress (kinda like a top), gray leggings and black boots. As I started walking down the hall with Dad by my side at all time while we're being surrounded by bodyguards and security guards. After the last accident, the Cambridges had a major increase in guards.

"You look amazing Princess Jackie!"

"Hope you get well soon!"

"We're glad to see you're finally up and walking again."

"Great job Princess!"

Praised and comments by nurses and doctors on every step I take. With that my self-esteem got a huge boost. Still stumbling sometime, I insisted that I walk to prove to my people that I can be a strong princess, their future monarch. One time I stumbled really badly that 5 guards and Dad all went tumbling on me.

"Jackie! Careful! I got you!" Dad yelled, turning all attention to me as I feel my cheeks flustering.

Since Dad was too late I slipped further bringing him down while our bodyguards a few standby guards went down to the ground helping us.

"Your highnesses!" The all yelled in unison while stumbling down.

Once everyone was flat on the ground with me at the bottom, I was trying to hold my laughters while holding back the scream of pain as all the guards stood up quickly blushing while helping Dad up.

"We're really sorry your highnesses."

"Please forgive our actions."

As I sat up I heard Dad said:

"Nah, it's okay. No need apologizing, this was just an accident."

At that point, I can no longer hold my laughters anymore, I started bursting out laughing, rolling around on the ground. Each time I look up at the guards their cheeks flustering. Dad and George joined in finally understanding what I'm looking at. It went for a couple minutes until Mum ushered us to the doors.

"Princess Jackie, Princess Jackie...." The sound of locals chanting my name as the doors bursted open.

Standing there, in the centre of attention with thousands of flashes going off in front of me, as thousands of locals and tourists surrounds the area. Yep, I'm back to my life again. My usual fear of crowd was taken over with my excitement of going home and use all of my new gifts. Standing there, I put on my fake smile as the cameras flashes away. Everything is overwhelming but for me, it's back to my life again. The regular fear and the attentions continue.

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