Chapter 5

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"I can't believe she did that for us..."

"I can't believe I couldn't see that...."

"I need that guy arrested NOW! It's been twice, she's been in a life and death situation."

I've been unconscious for two weeks now, everyone have been visiting me everyday. Sitting on my bed side, holding my hand and talking to me. Like last time, weeks ago I underwent much more surgery than before. They had to re-stitched my wounds and repair my brain. Unfortunately the gun shoot did broke one of my rib, it punctured my lung but they were able to fix it. Now the only thing everyone is waiting for is for me to wake up.

"Sweet pie, it's uncle Harry here. Please wake up! I have a present for you I bet you would like it. Everyone has one for you. Please wake up!"

"I want my sweet niece to come back!"

Hearing that just break my heart, as I tried to wiggle my hands, I felt a gush of happiness from him. Then I slowly open my eyes, spotting his red hair as messy as ever.

"Hey" I said in a husky voice.

He turned around, having the biggest smile on his face. I couldn't help it but smile back. Then doctors came in checking on my status, while uncle Harry left the room for phone calls. I can't believe that I am even alive after all of this. I really need a round of applause to myself. Thinking back, I've probably missed out a lot at school, with all the fun, all the homework and exams. I wish I would return to school after all of this, but then my recovery time had expanded so I think that I would have to be home-school for my last year.

"Hello Your Highness. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"Everything seem to be fine, it's just that there is this staggering pain in my back and my stomach and... I'm guessing everywhere hurt right now." I replied.

"Well, I would give you some more morphine but for now I'm sorry but we can't do much."

"What happened?" I asked, still confused with the amount of pain I'm suffering.

"Your parents, uncle and you were heading home. You guys were standing by the doors waving, just then you screamed back to everyone to take cover. Then you push everyone, your parents and uncle to the floor right when the gun went off. The sudden movement, and the pressure that you put on your last cut had made you bleed internally and externally. Also you took that bullet which went through your back. Fortunately you old wound were quickly clean and stitched up, while the bullet only manage to be centimetres away from hitting your spine." The doctor explained.

"That explain the amount of pain I'm feeling right now."

He just simply nodded.

"Was anyone hurt?" I asked.

"Luckily no one was hurt all because of your warning." He said with a wide smile on his face.

Just before I could ask another question the door burst open with everyone from my family walking in. This time both from my dad's side and my mum's side was here. Everyone was bursting with happy tears to see me fine. I'm still confused why everyone was crying, just sat on the bed as everyone hug and kiss me. The doctor update my status to everyone then left, great-gran then came in.

"Oh, darling. Jacqueline, dear how many time do we need to say you lying on this bed? Thank you very much for saving the three royals standing beside me here. But darling you should know that you are also a direct heir to the throne so do be careful. I don't want to loses one so young and bubbly like you." Great-gran said making me giggled.

"How I miss that smile and laughter."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Now I order you to be on bed rest here in the hospital until you have fully recovered. All your scars are to be healed properly before you could set foot out of here. Is that clear?" Great-gran said.

"Yes, your majesty!" I said mockingly.

Everyone was laughing of my joke including Great-gran. But then there is still a few questions I want the answer to.

"Can I ask you guys questions?" I said exaggerating the 's' sound.

Everyone paused, turning their attentions back on me and said 'yes' in unison.

"Then here are the questions: What happen to the attacker? What happen after we fall to the ground? How am I going to finish my year? Will I be able to get a diploma?"

All stunned by the amount of questions I had, they took turn answering.

"To answer your first question dear, he is under arrest under Her Majesty's Prison Service. He is to remain there for the rest of his existence." Great-gran answered.

"And for your second question sweetheart, after you push all of us down to the ground and take a bullet, the bodyguards and police officers close by quickly arrest the attacker then check for other threats in the surrounded area." Daddy answered.

"For your third question, sweetie pie, we already ask the school to postpone your learning programme due to your health status. They were honoured to hear that you will continue lessons at the school. But due to the fact that the other members in your class can't wait for you so you will be having private lesson here in the hospital while you're recovering." Uncle Harry replied.

"YES!!!! WHOAH!" I shouted.

Everyone laugh at my reaction, knowing how much I love school.

"The for your final question cupcake, of course you would get your diploma only if you get a good grade on your finals. The same protocols will still be applied to you like the other." Mummy said.

I gulped loudly making everyone laughing hysterically. For the next couple of months I lived in this hospital room with teachers coming everyday helping me catch up while doctors and nurses take great care of me. 

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