Chapter 2

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As the school bell signals home time, the first day back-to-school came to an end. As I say goodbyes to my friends, George and I were quickly escorted by our bodyguards to our cars, which were parked behind the school.

"How was your first day back, sis?" George asked as we walked towards the car.

"Phenomenal! Meeting all my friends and teachers again is just so much fun!" I answered in excitement.

"How was your day?"

"Not bad at all, meeting my friends were so much fun, especially seeing their reactions after figuring out that I'm me!" George answered.

"I saw that your prank actually works."

"I know right. It's so cool!"

Just as we reach the car, a bright flashing light blinded us. As my eyes adjusted, I saw a few photographers attacking us while trying to snap some photos. My bodyguard, Matthew and George's bodyguard, Steven both came out to protect us as our driver slid us into the car. As the car dash out of the school ground, we watched as the photographers were trapped behind. Both breathless, I started to wonder.

"Hmm, they didn't keep their promise." As I said, sounding upset.

"That sucks now because if this is not control, them everyday at school this year would be chaos."

"I know right, the fact that at school we already have to face with the students surrounding and their phones, now we have to face the press."

"I just don't know how we're going to make it through this school year without being crushed!" George teased.

Then we sat in silent as the drive back home to Kensington Palace went on. On the way back, I suddenly had the urge to take a look behind. When I looked, I saw a whole different scene from this morning. Now with a few paps following behind, they were quickly under- control of our bodyguard's cars but the street no longer felt peaceful. As everyone draws their attentions to our car, we were told to duck under. Just as we enter the safe ground of Kensington Palace, George and I both stared at each other looking terrified. When the car came to a stop, both paled face we slid off the car slowly. Thanking the driver, we walked into the familiar hall of the palace, both agreed to go straight to my room since it was closer, we sprinted there and slammed the door behind us. As we both catching our breaths, we settled our bags by the door to keep it secured, and then fall onto the bed feeling tired.

Then I broke the silence.

"That was the worst experience of my life. I had never experienced anything like this in my whole school life."

"Me too. As those photographers attacked us, I was scared that today was our doom day. That we might get seriously injured."

Then the room went silence again. Both looking worried, we stared at each other for a while, both studying each other's look until I came to a conclusion of what we wanted to do.

"I really don't want to discuss this with Mum and Dad. What happened today, I want it to be a secret. If this were to happen again tomorrow we could go tell them. We shouldn't hesitate too quickly."

George, giving me a nod of agreement. We talked about something else as we look up at the ceiling, admiring the beautiful chandelier hung in my room. Just then a knock on the door made both of us jumped up from the bed. Hesitated George, took a roll of cardboard paper which I used for my project. Holding by his side, he took the lead and unlock the door, standing on the side waiting for that person to come in, he was ready to attack when needed. Just as the door sprang open, George jumped out first with me following behind. Then a familiar voice made us both paused.

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