Chapter 12

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Urgh! Seriously! WHY?!?!

I would like to welcome you to the game, how long can they keep Jackie in a hospital. Follow an adventurous journey as the princess of Cambridge travels in and out the hospital. It's an awesome journey! NOT!!! Sarcasm is dripping in my thought right now. But something broke my chain of thought. The presence of people could be felt around me. Soft shuffling to quiet muffled of sound. I guess here goes again, with the scene of me waking up from a trauma to see the worried faces of my family. But the only different this time is there standing in the middle of the room is an angry Prince William or else known as my dad. If looks could kill I'll probably be dead already. Fuming, his face is red as a tomato, I sunk down under the sheet only to get it peeled off me.

"JACQUELINE ELIZABETH ROSE! WHERE DID YOU GO?!?! AND DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRY WE ARE??" He shouted making me jumped at the volume of his voice.

Never have I seen my dad this angry before, it's frightening, making me hide behind my hair. I know that if I don't answer it would only get worse so I manage to choke out a sentence.

"I feel trap here and I needed an escape."

But that wasn't enough as he repeated his question again only this time with more force.


Physically shaking under the pressure, I softly stated.

"I went to see Grandma Diana and got lost roaming the street of London. For once I felt free and like a kid..." Pausing to compose myself, I let a tear slid down my pale cheeks.

"I know you won't allow me so the only way I can escape is by myself. I know you're thinking that I'm risking my safety but if you were me you'll understand. This pain is unbearable physically and emotionally, I am now consumed in darkness, in negativity. I need a distraction before I do something I regret, so I hope you understand." I mumbled the last phrase out.

Shocked by my sudden outburst he stood there frozen in his spot while I stared blankly ahead. Reality come crashing down on me as flickers of pain shoots through my old wound, then my torn soul. The bubbly girl is gone, now only to be replace by an emotionless and muted girl. All of this is too much that I felt like I mentally shut down, building a wall between myself and the outside world. Only love, happiness can heal me now. In these moments, I crave for a warm heart that can nurture mine.

So lost in my thought that I haven't notice the empty hospital room. Staring blankly around the room I stood up and start making my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I locked the room and finding a sharp piece of glass lifting it to my finger and slowly pricked it. As so the all too familiar crimson red liquid comes trickling down, drippin down on the ground slowly making a small puddle.

I don't know how long I sat there staring at my finger but after a while there were banging and shouting from behind the door. Frozen in my spot I continued on studying the blood trailing down my hand until there was utter silence. But that was quickly replaced with the sound of the door breaking down as Prince William the person I called dad for the past 12 years stood there shock with the scene in front of him yet there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes. Are you kidding me right now? The man I called dad and have love for so long stood staring at me like I was a stranger who has terrible PTSD. Just one final glance at him, I stood up and made a mad dash towards the door and ducking the embrace of my mother and run straight out the room, leaving a stunned Duke and Duchess. Down the steps I smartly went through the back door, and there I goes running to the only place I felt the safest and calmest; Grandma Diana's memorial.

Again on the street, I covered my face with my hair and quickly slithered through the street making the usual 21 minutes walk to a 10 minutes. Nothing matters in this moment as my mind is blank as it is dead. My mind, the one that used to be fill with colour and thoughts now is nothing but darkness. My legs running on autopilots brought me to the place my sweet grandmother lay to rest peacefully. Everything and everyone is a blur as a rush pass in a sprint in my true speed no one know. Speed. The one thing I adore so much but yet to fulfill now is my companion. The constant slashing of wind slapping into my face only causes more pain than realisation, well, I take it back, it's just really annoying!!! My hair just keep getting in my face but I know that I won't have time to stop as when I left I heard the usual footstep of my bodyguard; Matthew and of course my dad and probably my mum but hey, they think they can outrun me! No way, hosey! That ain't gonna happen when Jackie is mad. So let's get this show on the road!

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