Chapter 4

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Beep... beep... beep

"I'm so nervous...."

"I can't wait..."

Sounds of whisper and hush filled room, mix in with the sound of machines. I slowly open my eyes seeing everyone around. Mummy and Daddy with George standing in front of something. Uncle Harry hiding something and the great-grandparents hiding something. Very surprise with their attendance and suspicious with the way their standing I said (in my usual whisper tone):

"Why are all of you here today? And what are you guys hiding?"

Silence filled the room as there were no replied. Then just as I was about to ask them again they all moved out to reveal what was behind them.

"This is what we been keeping a secret." Mummy replied.

New glamourous music set in turquoise included: Beat headphones custom with my name, recording set and a small preview of what was waiting at home in my room. Lots of different instruments filled an extended area of my bedroom. I gasped in excitement, trying to sit up by myself. And with that I sat up unaccompanied on the bed. Everyone suddenly acting like I was a kid who just learnt to sit up by themselves. Happy with my accomplishment I turn around and give Mummy and Daddy and George big hugs and kisses.

"That's not all of it!" Uncle Harry cutted in.

He moved and behind him was a new set of boots custom with my name imprinted on it. Then he lifted his hand to reveal a beautiful handmade friendship bracelet that I realised that everyone was wearing. Bursting in happy tears, I quickly lifted my hand for uncle Harry to place it on my hand. A beautiful J in the middle with bracelet rope in the colour turquoise.

"Wait for this one!" Great-grandpa said.

"Oh my gosh!" I said.

It was a new horse saddle with my name on it. New sets of fashionable clothes for horse riding and a new IMac decorated with my name in turquoise.

"Now all you need to do is to recover and you can use all of these equipments. I can't wait to see you horse riding with these new saddle!" Great-gran said excitedly.

I wanted to give something back to them but I know I can't so I thought that the best gift to them would have them hear me speak in the normal volume again. So I tried screaming and fortunately it came out sounding like normal speaking volume.

"Thank you all so much! I don't know what to give back to you guys in appreciation?"

Everyone now crying happy tears, I could clearly see how proud they were on me and how happy they were that their plan actually work. Then daddy said:

"Oh no darling! You're progress like this milestone is all we need. These are to encourage you to try hard!"

"What are we waiting for, let's get going. Training time!" Uncle Harry announced, earning lots of laughter.

"When can I go back home?" I asked hopping for an answer.

"I don't know sweetheart. The doctor said once you can start drinking and eating soup, talk and can sit and stand up unaccompanied then you could go home." Great-gran replied.

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's get going. I can't wait to start using these things!" I said enthusiastically.

For the next couple of week I worked with the physical trainer to get myself to sit up unaccompanied and stand up unaccompanied. The royals switch each day to keep an eye on me. A day with Princess Anne and her family was full of treat and horse racing talk! Prince Andrew the fun one, with aunt Beatrice and aunt Eugenie was full of girl talks. Prince Edward's children are so much fun to play with. Then the day came, the day I can finally go home! Today with all three; Mummy, Daddy and Uncle Harry here today. It was time to go home!

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