Chapter 7

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As I went through the line many was pulled out by the guards and put into a separate room until further notice since they all have the red star on their neck. As I reach the last person I heaved a big sigh of relief and slouch down on my chair as the guards I ask to lead all the servants I found suspicious to the other room come back in.

"Your highness, what do you want us to do with the servants in the other room?"

"Let me speak to them, but I want you ready with your guns behind me in case worse case scenarios happen." They nodded and follow me as I left to go to the other room.

I made sure that room has no window in case the want to escape. I closed the doors behind me and said.

"Can you please take every belonging you have on yourself and put it on that table over there."

The quickly took everything off and put on the table scared of what is going to happen.

"Now I need you to be completely honest with me with what I'm asking. If not, you will have to deal with harsh consequences." I said seriously as they nodded looking down.

"Let's begin. As you know that there has been a lot of eventful things that had happen for the past couple of months and I want to ask. Who do you work for?"

They all looked shocked with my question but quickly recovered before saying in unison.


One has the courage to say "It stands for No Monarchy Campaign."

"Interesting. Now to the next question. If you're against the monarchy, then why are you working for us?"

"It's a part of the plan, actually we're not against you. It's that we're threaten if we don't help them we will be killed." One said.

"Okay. Now tell me who your leader is. Do keep in mind, I'm trying to help you guys here. If you're faking this, I'm seriously going to put you on the death trials immediately even though I hate it." The nodded still looking down, proving that they are honest.

"His name is Jack Brown. He started this campaign a few months back as he was a formal photographer. His attempt to kill you the first time was failed but the second time he did it he failed. Though the person who did it actually isn't him. He already gotten control a few of the servants from all of the palaces through threats, but some were unsuccessful. He only got us here successfully so there are no followers in the other palaces so you don't have to worry about that. We usually meet up at a shelter in Oxford every Thursday which will be tomorrow." One of them informed.

"Thank you very much. All of this is much appreciated and I would discuss this with the Queen. Now I would like you all to be here until further notice. Guards will be stationed outside and your belonging are to be inspected carefully."

With that I turn around and headed for the doors. I turn to the guards and said the same I told to the servants. They nodded and follow my command. I asked them where everyone else was and they said they are in the Queen's suite. I thanked them and headed there. Once there, I heard sobbed and small quiet whisper in the room. I knock three time before hearing a muffled 'come in'. I pushed the doors lightly and moved into the room.

Everyone stood up relieved to see me alive and breathing. My parents and George with uncle Harry rushed over to hug me. I accept their hug and when we pulled out of the embrace I told them, I'll see them soon as now I have to speak to Great-gran.

I approach her and said. "Great-gran, we have some serious business to discuss in private."

She nodded and gesture me to follow her into her study room. Once seated tears started rolling down my eyes as Great-gran comes over to me.

"Shh...Jackie dear, tell me what is going on."

"Great-gran you don't know what happened. First me and now the whole family. I don't want anyone to get hurt so can you please promise me not to tell anyone about this?"

"Of course dear."

"Today there was a guy setting bombs around Kensington Palace. Luckily I founded him before he could put more around the palace. I tackled him with to vases smash to his head making him unconscious. But not before he said 'Ah. Isn't this the lovely Princess Jacqueline saving the day again. Well you're too late now because that bomb is going to explode in 30 minutes so better say goodbye to your family now!' I quickly grab the gun in his pocket and shot him in the head to make sure he is dead." I sobbed as I hugged her tighter.

"Oh dear, you didn't need to deal with this by yourself. You could have told us to help you."

"I didn't want you guys to worry or get hurts so I went to find help but soon realise something odd. These guys both belong to a campaign name NMC. Stands for No Monarchy Campaign. If you look closely, you will realise that some of the servant also have this red star mark on their neck. I consult these servants and they told me that the leader is Jake Brown. He forced them to follow this campaign, if not they will be threaten with death. I'm here to ask your permission for me along with a group of guards to go tomorrow to their meet up point and get rid of this guy."

She thought for a while before saying. "I will allow you to go but please keep in mind you're a direct heir towards the line of succession. I won't tell anyone like I promise and you can call that group of guards at any time tomorrow with the code 'Lilibeth'" I stood up and hug her thanking her before rushing out of the room holding back the tears running down the hall towards a room.

I slid down by the door hugging my knees up to my chest while crying hysterically.

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