Chapter 3

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As the sound of my monitor wake me up, my finger started to wiggle slowly as I hear a small whisper going around. Attempting to open my eyes. They slowly peek open as a bright light made me blind. Then as my eyes adjust I started to see my whole family around. Mummy and Daddy by my side, one on one side. Uncle Harry near my head and George holding onto my leg. With everyone else surrounding the room, I saw a big smile on everyone's face. Unable to talk since I was still hook up to the breathing machine, Daddy started to ask:

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Feeling a hollowed hole in my brain, I was unable to make facial expressions neither say anything. My whole face looked blank as Daddy waited for an answer. Just as all focus was on me, the doctor walked in saying:

"This was what I was telling you to prepared for. What that photographer did had huge damage to her respiratory system also her head, making her to now be restrain and unable to control her body yet. Meaning now she needs more support than ever. Each day we will have a physical and mental trainer to come up with her, focusing on getting back her usual self, meaning each day, it would be great if anyone of you can be here with her for the day."

Just as he finished, Great-gran ask:

"When will she be able to go home?"

"Well, until she is able to vaguely walk, sit, eat and maybe talk a bit. Then we could have a trainer come everyday or maybe just you guys help her, back at home."

"That would be great!" Mummy said.

"If you need anything, don't bother to ask the nurse or anyone as we will be delighted to answer them."

And with that the doctor left the room. Now as Great-gran signal everyone to gather around her, I was left alone in the room. Just then a nurse came in and said:

"Good morning, your Highness. I am Mary, your nurse. If you need anything, you can press this button above to call me."

As I gave an assuring nod, she continued:

"Right now, I'll be taking some blood while also take you off the breathing machine."

Excited and nervous, my hand started to shake. Seeing that she smiled back, reassuring me.

"This will just be a small pock."

As she put a needle through my arm, blood started coming out into a tube. As I was too scare to watched, my face was facing the other side the whole time, disturbing myself by looking at the plain white curtains which was just install for my privacy.

"All done!" She happily said.

Now relaxing myself, I went back into my neutral position as she started to turn of the breathing machine. Now, breathing on my own, I felt much more normal I started to gasp for air, discovering the feeling as she untapped and took the tube out of my throat. Now free from all the machines she left the room.

All moving back into my room, they were all smiling happily as Uncle Harry, Mummy, Daddy and George return to my side. Then Great-gran said:

"Well, it was a big relief for all of us to see you open your eyes today, Jackie!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Then she continued:

"We also came up with a schedule which tells who is going to be with you for the day."

As she gave more detailed and finally ending. It was time to say farewell to everyone as today my family (Dad, Mum and George) would stay with me. As everyone leaves the room, I looked around to check if anyone was watching me and attempted to move. My hand shockingly rise up, still unable to control it try taking the glass cup next to me. Just as I lift it up, my hands shake causing me to lose control and drop the cup.

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