Chapter 9

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'Urgh' I internally groan. What is it with me and these hospital?

This time the pain is worse than before, everywhere hurts but this time the darkness engulfed me even more. I hear no sound and it looks like I'm the only one standing. One my right a bright white pathway with speck of faint yellow in the back, on my left is a plain dark path. If it was me, I would gladly choosen the white pathway due to the fact that I am scared of the dark, but a small, faint sound echoes in that pathway. But a voice louder and clearer on my right made me jumped.

"Oh, Jacqueline! I've never thought to one-day meet one of the future monarch of the British line and one of my Great-great-granddaughter." A deep, warm voice whom sound much like Grandpa Charles.

I turned around and standing there was King George VI and Queen Elizabeth; the parents of Great-gran. Stunned with my sight I studied their features. Great-gran definitely inherited her mother features, but her dad beautiful lush brown hair. Both shared the same piercing blue eyes like mine, just I have a more sea blue eyes. Both look very young and madly in love like teenager. After a moment of silence another voice came up. This time a feminine voice, resembling Great-gran's voice when she was young.

"Darling, you really should go back now. It's not your time yet."

There standing next to her parents is Princess Margret. Wearing a knee length, casual pink dress which hug her body showing off her curves. Sharing the same piercing blue eyes and golden brown hair, she exactly resembles Great-gran.

"Princess Margret?! King George?!?! Queen Elizabeth?!?!" I exclaimed making them wince a little.

"Am I in heaven? Am I dead? Am I on my death bed??" I asked.

"Honey, you're not dead yet. You're just laying on your death bed and you have a choice to choose." Queen Elizabeth said.

"And we believe that your time is not up yet so go back. Go back to your family, go back and fulfil your duties as our sovereign one day." King George added on.

"Please tell Lilibeth to take care and we love here. Tell here that we'll see her one day." Princess Margret said before they all disappeared.

The darkness engulfed me again. Everything was black and in the distant I can hear soft mumbled of words.


"I'm sorry dear, we should have come faster.... please stay with us..."

"Sweet pie.... Fight...... fight for us.... please"

Everything was just a jumble of words. Chaotic arose as the sound of my heart monitor spikes up mix with the sound of my frantic family members to the sound of doctors and nurses running around. I just look up and said:

"I will fight but I don't know how long I can hold on to." Before closing my droopy eyes.


Everything was silence.

The world around me resided and the only sound left was my breath.

Peaceful and silent as my mind drifted off to a deep sleep. Tired and exhausted I let my shield down. Now vulnerable I felt hot tears trailing down my faces. I have no reason to come back, I have no reason or rights to become Queen, I have nothing. Suddenly one by one each tears are brushed off by soft fingers each of which I have become so familiar with for the past 17 years. Each and every one of them represented a closed family member I have grown to adore, each represented the love I have received, each and every one of them represented the respect. As this thought filled me, an unwilling power to fight harder push through as I try to wiggle out of this darkness. As I tried to escape this peaceful atmosphere, as I tried to meet my love ones again. I focused on my eyes, trying to lift them but they were too heavy. I focused on my hands and gave all my effort for it to move and miraculously they twitched. I heaved a huge sigh of relief before the outside world come crashing down on me.

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