Chapter 13

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"We're not sure if this time would go as smooth as the other..."

"Pain....she'll be in more pain then last time...."

"....she'll need you to cope..."

Distant voices kept flickering by as I laid still looking at the black, empty space before me. What is happening? Why is it so dark? They know I hate the dark. I then whimpered in fear of the numerous threats that could happen in the uncertain darkness. Where is daddy? Where is mummy? Where is Matty? Where is everyone? Did they abandoned me, was the only thought that lingered in my brain as I looked solemnly ahead. But my tears betrayed me as small drops of water skidded across my flushed pink cheeks. Those small drops then become buckets as I full on sobbed to no one in particular. No shoulder to cry upon, I was left there awkwardly crying to myself, consoling my own thoughts and problems. But a sudden rush of pain brought me back to that same black canvas. So large yet so empty, I thought, once again emotionless. But then what felt like a hand squeezed mine.

A rush of curiosity runs through me as I push myself to open my eyes. With as much force I have left, I try to open those big blue eyes of mine. Stuck hard as super glue, though stubborn, my eyes slowly fluttered. A sense of relief mix with the rush of pain made me wince. For a minute everything was silent until a warm voice flooded the room.

"Jackie, dear, are you okay honey?" My mum said.

I just nodded while I scan the room looking at the occupants in the room. But my eyes came to a stop at the man that I ran away in the first place, I feared the look on his face, the look of pity. Just talking about that makes a shiver run down my spine as I cowered back underneath the sheet. Again, I was distracted by the contact of someone's warm hand on mine. I turned to look and was lost in the sea of green. His mesmorising eyes, the eyes of my hero, the eyes of the man that had waited for me to awaken from my many incident. I know I'm young but hey, this is my first time in love. I have zero experience in what it is, as this sensation is new, I haven't learnt to control it yet.

"Hey, long time no see. Are you okay?" His deep voice rumbled.

"Yeah...would you mind giving me a cup of water?" I croaked out. My voice was very rapsy due to the lack of use in a long time.

"Of course" He said getting up.

"Here you go." He gave me a cup of water.

An awkward silence falls between us as it's been so long since we last talk. My mind was a jumble from the recent event but now it's on a standstill. I took this time to look closely at Ethan. His defined jawline with his green eyes sparkling with happiness bored into mine.

"See what you like?" He chuckled as I turned bright red.

"This is not appropriate for my age group you know?"

"What? I find it's perfectly normal." I chuckled lightly at his comment.

"Hey, you know what? Why don't we go watch the Dear Evan Hansen musical show next week?" He asked nervously as he rubbed his hand together.

I gently release the tight hold on his hands and smile at him.

"I would be delighted Ethan. I'm just not so sure about my parents."

His face brighten up as he jumped up to hug me.

"Aye, be careful okay! I don't want to break any more limbs than I already have!" I exclaimed cheekily.

"Yes your highness." He dramatically bowed.

"Oh please, quit that already!"

"I see you guys are having fun." A deep voice rumbled the room making me startled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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