Chapter 11

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The only thing I could feel. A gush of love, of happiness filled my blood. Soft but gentle a hand raises my hand towards them and a soft warmth touch it.

"Jackie. Hey it's Ethan. Please wake up, I miss those icy eyes." A deep yet soothing voice whisper to my ears, earning a small smile to creep up my face.

Slowly, my finger twitch and my eyes peak open, blinded by the bright light of the hospital. Looking around everyone was here, but something was different. We have a new addition! Next to uncle Harry is Jennifer standing there smiling warmly down at me while uncle snake his arm around her waist. Clearly I've been out for a while! Everyone seem to be comfortable with Ethan by my side, and I wonder how long have I been out.

"How long have I been out this time?" I whispered.

"Sadly 3 months. That accident worn your body out too much that it completely shut down leaving you in a coma." Mummy said.

An awkward silence engulfed the room as I take in this information. But then I smirked and turned to uncle Harry.

"Well looks like I get to miss 3 months of watching you snogging with Jennifer, uncle Harry!" I squealed, making everyone burst out with laughter.

"I don't think it will be long until you understand." Uncle Harry replied back while raising his eyebrows toward Ethan. This made me turn red as a tomato making everyone shook more with laughter.

The day went on with lots of well wishes and laughter. Through that few hours Ethan and I were able to understand each other more. It was like any normal family meet-up just in a different setting.

Weeks, turn to months, before I was able to leave the hospital. News of my traumatizing accident was broadcasted to every news headline around the world especially the British's magazine. This then followed with the discovery of Ethan, now known as my boyfriend. It had been a busy and exciting week for the media but for me, well just the same old routine again of physical and motor training then back to the homeschooling. Yep, it's very enjoyable... NOT! I now officially know every single nurses and doctors in this hospital and these white walls are blinding me now. They are so plain and sad. I need an escape, I need fresh air and I am more determined than ever to get out of here. I'm going MAD!!! Urgh!

Let can escape through the back door of the hospital but how can I pass this many bodyguards? Aha! Inside my closet I've stock a pair of clothing with sunglasses and a baseball cap with a leather jacket. That'll work I guess? Let's see. Today is Wednesday, the day with the least amount of guards as they have shift on this day. Yes!!! Freedom here I come!

Quietly I slipped off the bed and glided pass the room to the closet. Slipping on my pair of black skinny jean with white a black and white stripped t-shirt and a jean jacket on the outside. I topped it off with my hair tied as a pony-tail tucked messily under my baseball cap. Luckily I had my spectacle with me that day so I put that on, and snuck out.

Outside in the corridor, it is buzzing with energy as people dash around. I kept my head down while guiding my way out of the hospital. Only stopping a couple of time, I finally manage to get to the back door where it was nothing but quiet. But a sudden rush of sound broke the silence. Sound of flashes from all around thundered on me. Panicked arose through me as my fear took over me. Though standing miles away from the entrance, I can clearly recognises that my parents had just arrive with the constant shout of 'William' and 'Kate' accompanied with a few of 'George', 'Jackie' and an occasion 'Harry' and 'Jenny'.

Woah! Now have I notice how much have been going on in the British royal family. Anyway, Jackie stay focus! Glancing around I notice a park nearby so I casually walk over there. Swallowing down the occasional urge to hide away, I built enough courage for me to walk around the street of London. I walked around a little while until I spotted Hyde Park and I immediately speed up. On my way there I glanced at my watch, notices that it is already 8pm, and notice how the park become more secluded. I walk around for the first time but was quick to come to a stop in front of a particular fountain. The rushing of water reflects the energy I've been missing, the freedom and the joy I've been shielded from these past few months in the hospital. So being me, I've ran to follow where it brings me.

Turns out the flow of water went in a circle bringing me back to where I started so I slumped down on the seat and stared at the setting around me. Dimmed yellow streetlights shine up towards the now calm and quiet trees, though sometime a soft breeze can be heard around the park. As for the water it was crystal move in wave like shape as they gracefully glide down the fountain. If you carefully look to the side of the concrete sidewalk you'll see the word "Diana, Princess of Wales" engraved on it.

Slowly, I dipped my hand into the cold, flowing water. A sense of calmness rush over me as I felt reassurance fill my mind. Looking down I smile, "Thank you grandma" I whispered before standing up and walking around. I took out to the street, blending with other Londoners as they rush to catch the last tube home while I just simply wandered around. Then after 11 minutes, I arrived at Kensington Garden. It was simply a magnificent view. The once colourful park now lit up with thousands of lights shone brightly in the dark night sky. It just has this sense of freedom and happiness that I couldn't help but burst into a huge smile and started roaming around the garden. Though I lived most of my life at Kensington Palace, I never really gotten an opportunity to explore it properly. Now here I am in the almost secluded park chasing my heart out as I run around with occasion (if I would say regularly) to admire a type of plant, flower or just simply structure. After a while I thought that maybe it's time to get a move on so off I go. Again I hit the street and continue roaming around unnoticed by the people but also unnoticed of the panic erupting through the royal household.

I have seem to be so lost in my adventure around London that I have forgotten the time. Glancing down at my watch, I noticed that it's now midnight and look up to see that the once busy street now empty with an occasional local walking around. I thought, 'let's head back to the hospital shall we?' Nodding to myself I started walking back around, but not until I notices that I don't remember my way back and tears brim my eyes as I panic. Glancing around for any source of help. I found none and slid down a wall nearby while taking my cap of and just stared off into space. I whimper and thought; 'I'm useless! I'm dumb! Why didn't I think about my safety and how other would feel?' Just then my tummy grumble, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything but now all I could do is sit here. Slowly my eyelids become heavy and droopy as I felt my body slowly go limp as I started to fall asleep but a sudden shout startled me.



"Where are you honey?"

I smiled at my code name remembering how I've gotten it when I was younger. Since I was young horses are my favourite animal so I begged the head of security to set that as my code name and here it is use today. I saw flashes of light flickering around the corner and she just smile thinking she is safe while slipping into a dreamless sleep.

As the search team including William and Harry themselves each holding a torch flashes around in search for their little angle who have gone missing since 4 hours ago. Just as they turn a corner all torches were shone upon a petite yet tall teenage girl with fiery red hair wearing black skinny jean with a black leather sitting next to her one of Jackie's favourite baseball cap. Curiosity take the better of them as one officer slowly approach the girl with Harry and William following close behind. She seem to be asleep but as the light hit her face they all silently cheered as it was their princess. But soon realising the state the young girl is in her father carefully lower down and slip his arms under lifting her up as they made their way to the car.

The whole journey back William and Harry tried to warm her up, scared that she is at risk of hypothermia for being in such weather at this late hour. Soon arriving at the hospital, William again scoop his girl up and brought her into the care of the doctors.

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