Chapter 8

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The pain hollow in my heart as I stared straight at the wall. It's now morning and I've been in this room undisturbed and just staring straight at the wall. As I look at my watch, I see it read 8 am meaning everyone is still in bed so I quickly snug out of the room, heading towards the room where the staffs following the NMC group is station. The guards I asked yesterday to stay here remained at their post. I smile at them before whispering 'Lilibeth'. Immediately a group of guards come running in, all suit up for the trip. I nodded for them to wait here as I entered the room.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you had a good night even through the rough circumstances." They all nodded and I continue.

"I come here as a Princess and not Jackie. I brought a group of guard and myself to restore what once was yours. I hope that you would be honest and show us to the place."

They all nodded as they follow me outside. The trip was long but fun. I've gotten to love these staffs as they talk about their stories and many other things about themselves.

As the trucks slow down, I can see from through the tinted windows a small, suburban village which lays next to a vast area of trees. Hopping off the truck I can feel eyes staring at me from all directions, wondering who we are and why we are here. Strolling along with the group, we glided through the large amount of trees until we reach a small cottage made out of bamboos standing alone under an old oak tree. As we already discussed the plan, the staffs will enter the meeting like normal until I burst in with the guards scattered around the house and burst in through different directions. I would quickly shoot the leaders and once he is down, he is to be arrested.

We slowly put our plan in actions, everything was moving smoothly with no suspicions and now it's time to capture him and put him to hell.

Creeping through piles of rubbish, I glide my way through the back of his chair while he was giving his daily notice. As I look up waiting for the signal, I see a scene I've never want to see again. Dead branches hanging off the ceiling, papers scrambled on the ground, an ordure smell filled the atmosphere as the few people sat on the ground listening.

All the maids and butlers staring at me with eyes of sadness and guilty. One simple nod from the guard and I jumped in front of him. Startled with what happened he froze, quickly recovered but not as quick as I was. I pulled the trigger and blood comes rushing out on his left leg. He fells to the ground holding his leg in pain while the guards rush to arrest him. Once everything was under control, we made our way back to the palace.

Since I know the circumstances of this event, I stopped the car and told them to wait outside by the garden.

"We will enter by the front gate no matter what. Stay here I'll be back in a minute." I said and sprint off to the gates. Guards standing by the gates alerted with the incoming runner, immediately form a chain by the door. Tourists and walkers all stopped and yelled as they saw the event happening.

"Stop and drop your weapons!" One guard yelled.

"I say stop and drop your weapons!" He yelled again.

I continued running and new if one pulled the trigger they would regret it. Looking up at the window I saw every single member of the royal family look out. Their faces plastered with confusion but one particular person's grin reassure me. In the corner Great-gran nodded towards my actions but that smile faltered when a blasting sound startled me.

"Great." I muttered under my breathe as blood come ozzing out from my side.

The same soaring pain that I've felt too many time. Though my body stop me from continuing, my mental mind push me. As I limped my way passing the statue, I knew if I don't reveal myself now I would hurt myself traumatically. I looked up at the window and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to everyone above. Still confused they looked down at me with sympathy while one old lady go rushing down the stairs.

"You can stop now!" I yelled. The stop what they we're doing as I pulled my hood down letting my fiery red hair fly in the air. Everyone gasped and some even bowed down. The guards clearly not convince with this, hold their positions strictly. Up above, I saw no one.

"Don't play around here missy, princess Jacqueline is safely inside the palace." The same guards replied while smirking at me. Then he shouted.

"Shoot her!" All guards aimed at me and I looked at my surrounding. This is it! As the first trigger released, one by one all of them followed not until the last one that a blasting loud voice roared.

"You idiots! That's my great-grandaugther and heir to the throne that you're shooting there!" Great-grandma yelled. I smiled through the soaring pain but then remember about the maids and butlers waiting for my signal. I took this opportunity and pushed myself to stand up despite the piercing pain. I stumbled my way as far as possible before falling down again.

I looked around at my surrounding before finding a speaker and turned it on as loud as possible. I know they're only a couple of miles away so I quickly glanced around at the busy street. I smile weakly before saying:

"Run now! Get out of here or cover your ears." I said and waited a couple of minutes before yelling into the speaker.

"GET HIM OUT OF THERE NOW!!!! COAST CLEAR!! GET HIM TO THE DUNGEON AND CALL SCOTLAND YARD!!! 'LILIBETH'" Satisfied with my speech I quickly scrambled back.

Once I returned the speaker a roar of applause echoes through the streets of London. I gave them a weak smile before my vision blurred making my body collasped to the ground and hit myself to the ground. Just before I fell unsconsious I heard a bussle of sound.

"Someone call the ambulance NOW!!!"

"Your highness, please stay with us."

"Jackie!! JACKIE!!"

"Honey, we're here!"

"Jacqueline, dear. I'm sorry for arriving late."

Then the darkness engulfed me.

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