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Logan grabs my hand and rushes down the hall when our first class ends. I am almost running behind him. I'm five foot seven, but that's nothing when trying to catch up to his quick long legs. He stops and pulls me into a small room before I can stop him. My nose burns with the smell of bleach and cleaning chemicals. A broom almost knocks into me when I step on the bristles. He smiles and moves it out of the way. He then grabs our backpacks and drops them to the ground. He lifts me up and has me wrap my legs around his waist. I gasp when he raises the skirt of the flowery dress I wore today. He places my weight on the shelves behind me and tries to unbuckle his pants. We haven't even shared a first kiss and he's already trying to take advantage of me. I'm not one of his whores. I land on my rear when I push him away.

"What are you doing?" He responds angrily.

"What are you doing?" I snap back. "We just met. Can't we get to know each other first?"

"You're kidding?" He laughs. "You're a virgin. I never would have suspected. Babe, you're hot."

I become angry. "Can we go to class? We're going to be late."

"So?" He raises a challenging brow.

"It's my first day. I want to make a good impression." I tell him and walk out.

I blush in embarrassment when I get a few curious stares after walking out of the janitor's closet. I know what they are thinking. I could strangle my mate for putting me in this situation. Logan stops me and pulls me to the side where there's less of a crowd. He gives me his puppy eyes and apologizes. I close my eyes and calm down my angry wolf. She's angry our mate would treat us like one of the girls he's been with. We deserve better.

I can already see people whispering about me when we go to our next class. I'm getting a mix of amusing and heated stares from my classmates as our teacher makes me introduce myself. The whispers pick up when I sit down and I can feel their eyes boring into the back of my head. If Logan can hear what they are saying, he doesn't say anything back. They are already calling me the slut of the day. I hear somebody mention how angry Hillary is going to be. If I remember correctly, Hillary was his ex-girlfriend that Locus was worried would become their Luna. She's the mean girl of the school. I also now recall Locus mentioning she's the principal's daughter and gets away with anything.

"Babe, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have taken you in there. I just couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted you. Please, forgive me." He explains after class is over and gives me another one of his sad pouts.

"You're forgiven." I shift from foot to foot not wanting to deal with it at the moment.

There's a girl to the right of us that I can feel staring daggers at me when we walk together down the hall. She's wearing an outfit I thought would be inappropriate for the school considering how tight and revealing it is. She doesn't need the word slut written across her forehead. You can tell by looking at her. She likes attention and lots of it. I'm guessing the one person she wants the attention of at this moment is Logan's.

Logan only looks at her once before turning his attention back to me. "Our classes are in separate directions this time. You don't have to meet me after class. I have to talk to somebody after. So, I'll just see you for lunch."

Luckily, it doesn't take long to find my next two classes. They are right next to each other. I'm sad that I haven't seen Lucas or Locus. They haven't been in any of my classes and I don't know where their lockers are located. As I walk to my next class I see two girls talking to the girl I had noticed earlier. They are dressed as promiscuous as the other. Their eyes keep looking my way as they laugh. I tuck strands of my long blonde hair behind my right ear and bring the rest forward as I face the ground and enter the room of my fourth class of the day. I hear the two friends tease the third girl about meeting Alpha Logan in the janitor closet later.

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