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"Do you remember when were were nine and we pretended to be in a band?" I try to add into the conversation of traveling down memory lane, but it again doesn't work.

Rachel and Locus have been talking to each other nonstop since Rachel's arrival. Logan has had trouble separating them when he's come down to retrieve his mate. They have a few classes together and Locus, already knowing everybody in the pack, has made it her job to introduce the new Luna and show her around the pack. This is the first night the three of us finally get together and at times they have turned their back on me when they talk. I think Rachel still feels some jealousy of me being Logan's first mate. I'm not sure why Locus is ignoring me.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Remember the concert I told you about last month?" Rachel turns her excitement to Locus.

"Wait, last month?" I question.

"Don't remind me. I was so jealous. I wanted to go, but I wasn't let out of the pack territory. Cedric was being a butt and wouldn't let me leave while he was away. I don't know how many times he called to make sure I didn't go. I was lucky he let me go to a few parties. They were okay, but I wanted to be at the concert with you." Locus scowls.

"You what?"

"We would have had a blast like old times. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. My friend, the one I was with the few times we talked, she was able to get us backstage. She showed her boobs to security."

"A few times?"

"Wow, she seemed like such a bore. Who would have known?" Locus laughs

"You've only known her for like three months. Wait until you meet her and you won't think that. She's a lot of fun. I'm going to ask her to move down here. Oh, and get this..."

I finally stand and leave the media room when Rachel turns so her back is facing me again. Neither of them notice me stand and leave the room. I can still hear their laughter as the door closes. I walk across the large foyer area and ignore the pack members giving me heated stares. I walk into the room I share with Locus and pack the items I bought when we first arrived. I had thought Locus and I were close. I had considered her my best friend. Now I feel as she had betrayed me.

I walk out of the room with bag in hand and tears wetting my cheekbones. A girl looks at me with sympathy when I walk past her and her mate down the hall. Her mate hates me and rushes them to their room. I knock on the door to Mindy's room and hope I'm not interrupting anything. She and Adam don't share a room, but he said he would stay with her until we were done with our movie. His room is located across from Locus and I.

"Cami, are you okay?" Adam asks when he opens the door.

"Can I sleep here for the night?" I ask.

"Yeah, what's going on?" He moves to the side to let me in.

Mindy is sitting on her bed with a laptop on her lap. She moves it off of her lap when she notices that I have been crying. I sit on the bed next to her thankful both are still in their day clothes. She blushes when I look at her neck noticing she hasn't been marked.

I look at Adam when he sits on the bed across from me. "If I ask you something, will you be honest with me?"

"Of course, Luna." He shifts almost nervously.

"When I was in the cells, what was my cousin doing?" I ask, surprisingly without a shake in my voice.

"The normal teenage stuff, I guess. Going to school. Making friends. They had gone to the diner and a few parties." His thick eyebrows draw in, but he answered quickly. Too quickly, as now that he says it the anger begins to show.

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