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I hum the song that has been stuck in my head since our arrival to the abandoned pack land. I have decided to stay in to clean while the others went looking for more assistance, went upstairs to find a place to rest, or decided to take a shift in guarding. I have had little sleep, but my mind becomes busy with thoughts and I can feel myself becoming angry, scared, or depressed. Cleaning has taken my mind off things, which the house needs. The song that made its way to my head has also helped keep my mind preoccupied.

"There you are." Logan walks into the kitchen and smiles when he sees I have made a fresh pot of coffee. "Have you been cleaning this whole time? Did you get any sleep?"

"I can't sleep. I keep thinking." I hand him a clean spoon to stir the sugar he poured in his coffee.

"You're worried." He leans on the counter.

"We don't have enough fighters to help." I replace the dry dishes into the cabinet.

"I should have forced more men to come." He rubs his forehead.

"Uncle Reg said the same thing. We talked about it. If they don't feel strong enough to face their sins, then there's a chance the Dark will control them. It will create a larger army against us. We can't take that chance." I pause from cleaning. "I'm scared, Logan. There are times I have my doubts."

"Do you remember when we talked in the morning after I mated? I was still adamant about you going. I saw it in your eyes. You're stronger than you think, Cam. You have Aidan's strength, and as you told me, you still have mine. It was meant to be that I didn't fully break the bond like it was going to. You're also backed by Adam. As his Luna, you can feel his strength and any others that have not been turned and believe in you. You can do this, Cam. You can.

"He's my father. I'm going to have to kill my father." I look down, but he moves closer and lifts my chin.

"He's not your father. He's a dark soul that has somehow taken over your father's body. Your father loved you and that creature is not him. He's just a look alike." He smiles softly when I nod.

"Adam, calm down. It's going to be okay." Mindy runs in after Adam storms in like a bull in a china shop.

"Sorry." He apologizes half-heartedly when I growl at him for making a mess in the kitchen I just cleaned.

"What's wrong?" I ask with crossed arms.

"They brought back fifteen fighters. Three packs and all they could gather are fifteen members. It's not enough!" He growls and knocks down a chair.

"We don't yet know how many are under the Dark's control." I rub my arms nervously.

"Their packs lost some of their members. They also have taken over Alyssa's rogue pack and my guess is that they have taken over the pack that had been here also." He waves his large hand signaling the pack house we have taken over.

We become quiet in thought. I move towards the window where many of the men and a few women have gathered outside. My fears and worries arise again. Warmness travels deep into my chest and I let the worry drop.

"Aidan?" Logan points to my smile.

"Yes. I still can't talk to him, but he feels when I need his strength. I hope he can feel my love for him also." I smile and hum the song I had heard earlier.

"He can. I'm sure of it." He leaves the kitchen.

Adam watches me with a tilt of his head as I sing. Mindy grabs a broom to help me clean. I can still feel Adam's eyes on me. I furrow my brows wondering why he's watching me clean.

"That song. What is it?" His dark eyes are wide and more intense than I have ever seen them.

"Uh. I think it's a Neil Diamond song. I don't really know the lyrics, so I've been humming it until I get to the ba ba ba ba ba. It's something like 'Oh, I love my Ros...' Ah!"

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