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"He's mine!" Alyssa growls possessively, but Aidan's growl lets on that he disagrees.

"Wait, I still can't wrap my head around this." Lucas rubs his temple. "Let me get this straight. Mom was in a relationship with Uncle Greg and they had two kids, Locus and Alyssa. Then uncle left when he met his true mate, who I'm guessing was Auntie Marilyn. They had one kid, the past Camilla. Camilla and Aidan were mates. Which I guess they had one child, which was Camilla's grandma. Then she found Aidan cheating and she mated with Jaivan. They killed Aidan. Grandma had a daughter, Marilyn, which was her grandmother in a past life. Marilyn met Uncle greg again. They gave birth to Camilla. So Camilla of the past is great grandmother to Camilla of the present. Wow. That's some crazy stuff."

"That's not all correct. Aidan never had any pups, until now." Dad looks at Stefi. "Grandma Jane was daughter to Jay and Camila Spencer. Jaivan was her father, not Aidan. I was still lingering after Jane's death. The dark wolf had no connection to her. He was never the father and had no problem killing her. Jaivan was another story. I witnessed his heartbreak when he saw her body. He held the connection with her spirit. There was still a piece of the bond they held in their souls. They had felt the loss of their daughter."

"The dark wolf wasn't the one that killed Grandma." I recall the memory of that day. "Marigold killed Grandma." I say with distaste and purposely leave out calling her Auntie.

"I said Aidan's wolf had no problem killing her. The dark wolf may have started with his wolf, but now he holds the souls of those he killed. He is Alpha to the darkness that takes over our sins. My wolf had been connected to him at one point. I was not the one that held him back from killing Jane. He also holds the soul of my mate. Your mother, Camilla. She would not let the dark wolf kill you or her mother."

'They won't kill you now. Neither will Aidan.' There's a mix of relief and jealousy in Jaivan's voice.

'Jaivan he's not my mate. Stay strong, baby. Please.' I squeeze his hand.

Jaivan pulls me closer and buries his nose into my hair. He breathes in my scent needing the reminder that I am his mate. I run my cheek against his strong chest in a loving gesture. A purr comes out from him enjoying the moment we are having. We are lost in comforting each other that we don't see darkness hovering over our heads.

"She's not your mate. You are mine." Alyssa places a hand on Aidan's chest to stop him.

Her aggravating voice breaks our moment. I turn in time to see Aidan's blank expression turn into pure anger. He grabs Alyssa by the neck and squeezes hard enough for us to hear a crack before she falls to the ground. Her head hangs limp above her body. Locus and Marigold scream, but the anger after is not towards Alyssa's killer. It is towards me.

Jaivan disappears from my side and stands protectively in front of me in wolf form. The dark wolf is now running for the attack. Two arms pull me back and others surround me. I hear different voices telling me to run, but I can't. Just before the two wolves attack each other, I see Aidan's dark wolf fall to the ground. Jaivan's wolf steps back when warm brown eyes stare back at him.

"Grandma." Our daughter.

Brown eyes are replaced by black eyes again. The wolf again goes after Jaivan ready for a kill. Jaivan tackles the wolf down, but he's not fighting back. I can feel his uneasiness. He doesn't want to hurt...Jane. I have to do something. He was already struggling with the thought of hurting his brother. He's going to get killed if he doesn't fight back. I have to do something.

'Jay, it's not Jane. It's not Aidan. You have to kill it.'

'Angel, what are you doing here? Go with Logan. You promised.'

Adam and Mindy pull at my arms to take me to the shelter. My eyes keep traveling back and I notice the reluctance to fight back among the others. Those under the spell of darkness are family and friends. The pack members are trying to take them down without harm, but the dark creatures are in for a kill. They are going to get get killed.

We get halfway to safety, but I stop. I can see the pack fighting with the dark cloud hovering above getting larger. Jaivan is in the center of the large field somewhere fighting as well. I can feel him, but I can no longer see him amongst the chaos. I can't leave him. I can't leave my pack.

"Cam?" Mindy worries when I don't follow.

"You can do it, Luna." Adam uses my title to give me the strength to save our pack. Our family.

I think of the times I had pulled the dark mist towards me. I had been angry and the anger I felt had scared me. I wanted to take that anger and bury it deep away so it would never come out. I wanted to feel the happiness again. I hated the feelings of jealousy. Hate. Disgust. Insecurities. They had brought darkness into our lives. That darkness had taken my parents and my grandmother. My grandfather as well when he lost the love of his life. It had to end.

"There you go." Adam steps back when I lift my hands and call this darkness out of the bodies of others.

I see the thick dark cloud thinning out and members moving to cage in those that are still possessed from those that no longer controlled by darkness walking away from the fight in confusion. My legs are shaking and I don't know how much I can keep it up. Adam notices and he begins to yell at me to stop, but I don't. I want it all to go away. I'm sick and tired of all of the pain. I want it all to end.

"That's enough, Cami!" Adam yells.

"No! This has to end!" I yell in my powerful voice.

The fighting stops completely. The weaker wolves bow to my powerful one. Everything becomes blurry, but I can make out wolves running towards me. There are bodies on the cold ground of those that did not make it. I stagger slightly, but Adam's wolf is cowering from my wolf's command that he is unable to steady me. A large wolf is running closer, but everything is still a blur. I blink to try to clear my vision, but my sight becomes worse. The wolf is closer.

"Cami!" I hear somebody yell when my legs finally fail me.

I wait for the impact of the hard ground, but it doesn't come. My eyes clear somewhat to see who had caught me. In his eyes I can see life, but in my fall I had seen those that had fallen in the fight against darkness. I intake a breath of air as I feel the final death on the field take his final breath.  The fight is over. The darkness is gone...for now.  I look back up at the man holding me lovingly, but with sadness filling his eyes. In my final breath, I whisper his name before everything goes completely black.


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