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"I think she's waking up."

"Should we hold her down."

"No, no need. I don't think she's going to have the strength to put up a fight."

"Will she still be hallucinating, doctor?"

"It's possible. The drug is not fully out of her system. She's fighting it though. The girl is strong, even in that weak state. Anybody else would have died or lost themselves to their wolves by now."

I blink my eyes trying to see the faces that come with the voices. A bright light comes into my vision and shadows of people standing over me begin to appear. I question if this is heaven. That is until I see Grizzly Adam and I know it is not heaven. I hear some laughter and know I had said that aloud. I press my head back further into the pillow and turn my cheek against it when I see six pairs of eyes scrutinizing me. I bring my legs in and curl up with fear of them. An older lady smiles at me sweetly and tells me I'm safe. She helps me take sips of water. I gulp greedily until I'm choking on it. I try to talk, but I don't have a strong voice and it pains my throat.

"Shh. It's okay sweetie. Give it time." She moves the hair on my forehead away and I move my head away from her.

"You probably strained your voice with all of the yelling you were doing at Grizzly Adam." The young guard laughs.

"I hope you're right about being Alpha Aidan's second mate, otherwise we are in deep shit." Grizzly Adam groans. "And if you are, we'll be in deep shit anyway for listening to Alyssa."

My stomach turns when I hear her name. I hate that girl. I look around the room and see that I am in a cottage type room with antique furniture and old quilts displayed around the room. The last I remember was that I was going to be taken to hungry werebears as a sacrifice from my mate's orders. They obviously didn't make me their dinner. So, what happened?

The doctor moves to my side to check on me while the others explain what had happened when I was taken from the cell. They have to calm me down when I panic with the doctor's nearness.

"It's going to be okay. It wasn't rabies. I recognized the flower as one that causes hallucinations. They used to grow near my home at the old pack. We had trouble keeping them away from some of the teenagers." The young girl explains to me. "I put two and two together and we knew our suspicions were right. Luckily Adam believed us."

"I knew something wasn't right. I've seen rabid wolves before. Though you were crazy, I didn't feel you were rabid. Alyssa kept insisting and I didn't know what to believe. She's in charge when Alpha Aidan and the Beta are gone." Grizzly Adam looks at me with guilt. "I brought you here and we didn't know what to do. Thank the Goddess the doctor came back from the wars."

"We sacrificed one of the other rogues that were too far gone. Alyssa thinks it was you. She told the others the rabies had finally taken over." The younger guard answers another of my unsaid questions.

"Here. You can write down any questions you may have until your voice is stronger." His young mate hands me a pad of paper and a pen.

I write to ask about my cousin. Does she think I'm dead? Did they tell her the truth? I have so many questions. What kind of excuses were they giving her when I was in the prison cell?

"Locus locked herself up in the Beta's room when she heard. Nobody can get her out. We are still discussing if we hold off on telling her the truth until the Beta arrives. Alyssa, having a position of power, gives her power over us. Everybody does as she says. We don't want to put your cousin or any of us in danger. We took a huge risk saving you. She would have us killed if she learned what we did." The girl answers.

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