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I walk downstairs to a tension filled room. I feel like I walked into a dark cloud and can feel the static of the electricity from the forming bolts of lighting. This cloud I am in is rising and I'm walking on air. The oxygen I need to breathe is dissipating. I feel like I'm suffocating. I see one of the female pack members wipe a tear as she carefully lifts her son to say goodbye to his daddy. The motions happen right before my eyes, but I look at it as if this can't be real. This is just a dream.

It's not a dream though.

We had already had a meeting, which I'm surprised Jaivan let me attend, to discuss the plans. Jaivan knew I would have blown up with their plan to leave the women behind. I did. I yelled until my voice weakened and I yelled until the black form appeared again. I then cried in Jaivan's arms and accepted his plans. No, I still can't go, but he's not going to block me out. He's going to leave our link open. I will see everything in his eyes and I'll be there with him through the spirit of our wolves only.

I look past solemn faces until I find my mate's strong one. He's standing strong as an Alpha leader, but beneath his powerful facade is a boy that is as scared the rest. I can feel his fear, worry, grief, and so much more. I feel when his heart skips a beat after looking across the room. His mom is in a trance and doesn't have that usual spark in her eyes. She shows what we all have in the back of our minds. The pack members are going to war against family and friends. Brother will be fighting brother.

I close my eyes when I feel the familiar tingles on my arm. I had been lost in worrying about my mother-in-law that I didn't see Jaivan move closer. He hugs me so tightly to his chest that I can not only hear his beating heart, but feel it against me as well. I wrap my arms around him and I just want to stay like that forever. I don't want to let him go ever. I finally have my true mate and it scares me that I may lose him in this fight against darkness.

He places his forehead against mine and we get lost in each other's eyes. His large hand wipes the tears from my face as I wipe a tear that runs down his cheek. There is so much love in his eyes as he looks at me and I know he must see the same in my eyes. I seem to love him more with each passing minute.

We hear a throat clear next to us, but Jaivan keeps his eyes connected with mine. "Sorry to interrupt Alpha. I'm supposed to let you know we have word they are leaving the premises. Alpha Lucas gives it about an hour before they arrive."

Jaivan looks down for a second before looking back up. "Thanks."

"Yes, sir." We hear the pack member rush from our side.

"Come with me." Jaivan stands up straight and grabs my hand.

We walk back upstairs to his bedroom. I go the bathroom to grab some tissue. I meet my reflection in the mirror and look a mess, but I don't stay in there to clean up. I go back to where Jaivan is sitting on the bed lost in thought. I sit next to him and place my hand on his leg. He places his hand over mine.

"Aidan and I used to be close when we were younger. I took Aidan with me everywhere I went, but when I turned fourteen I had to start Alpha training with my dad. Beau was going to be my Beta, so he had to sit with me during the trainings as well. By the time they ended it would be dark out and we would be exhausted from boredom." He pauses to intertwine our fingers. "My dad's office had faced the fields where we could see the other kids playing sports. I remember being jealous when I would see Aidan out there throwing the ball around with our friends. Then I would shake it off and be happy that he didn't have to sit in the room with us. I wanted him to live his life."

"Here." I hand him a tissue when I see a tear slide down his cheek.

"Thanks." He wipes a tear.

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