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I watch the forest scenery gradually turn to palm trees surrounded by desert landscape and suburban homes. The hangar the plane is docked in is forty-five minutes away. It is the best Logan could find on a short notice. Members of his pack had taken his jet for a joyride without authorization. Hillary was among that group. Otherwise, she would have enjoyed this mornings scene with front row seating.

I sigh deeply and look back at my friends sitting quietly in the limousine. Logan stiffens and presses his back further into the door. There's enough space between us for somebody as large as Adam to fit cozily. I begin to wonder if I shouldn't have rushed that shower. I can also feel the heat coming from Adam's stare. I don't think it's my body odor, but another stink in the air that may be bothering them. They share a look as if they are talking to each other, but I know it's not through mind link. They are not from the same pack and don't have the blood bond needed. I finally ask what is going on when they stare at me intently once again.

"You know, we're going to kill this creature." I nod wondering why Logan is telling me this at the moment. "Like, he will be dead and no longer building an army of rogues. Defeated."

"O-kay." My eyes shift in thought.

"He will no longer have control of anybody." Adam tilts his head and watches my reaction.

"I know." I glance at Mindy to see if she knows why they are looking at me strangely.

"For crying out loud. Did Rachel turn you or are you still our Cami?" Logan sits up as if he is preparing for an attack.

"You think I turned? Why?" I ponder for a second and sigh when I come up with the answer for myself. "I think I have a right to be angry. I was put through hell being in that cell. I had pictured my cousin either trying to fight for answers or crying herself to bed each night distraught. She thinks I have a perfect life. I went through so much pain. So much."

Logan freaks out a bit when I start crying, but the big grizzly softens up a little. He has me move between him and Mindy. He offers me his shoulder and she offers me her hand to hold. I can hear Logan shifting in his seat. We become shocked when he growls.

"Sorry, I'm fighting with my wolf. We both still care for you deeply. Not as a mate, but as a family member. Seeing you like this, or cold and heartless like you were, it's not sitting right with us. We don't like it, but I know who is going to hate it more." He leans forward.

"Alpha Aidan." Adam answers. "His wolf is going to want to kill her."

"My wolf is not happy about it, but I think it's best she stays with my pack for awhile. Far away from Aidan. Seeing you broken like this, Aidan is going to struggle holding back his anger." He sits back when I nod slightly in agreement. "I was thinking, with Rachel being my mate, her father is going to need somebody to take his place. Lucas has Alpha blood and he's family. He's the logical choice. I still need a new Beta and so will Lucas. I don't know what's going to happen, but Cedric should consider moving. At least until Aidan calms. I'll keep the spot open."

I nod again as a thank you and he seems to be satisfied with that as an answer. Cedric and Aidan have been close friends for a long time. They are going to lose their friendship or this will cause a strain between them. How can I do that to Aidan, but Logan is right. He nearly killed Alyssa. Alyssa had done worse, she killed a packmate, but I know if Aidan can feel what I'm feeling now, he won't be able to forgive Locus.

"Cami, I know we no longer have a bond, but I can see you going into a depression. We can't let that happen right now. You need to stay strong." Logan scolds. "You didn't do anything wrong. This isn't your fault."

"Listen to me." Adam turns my head to look at him. "Cedric and Aidan may be friends now, but they haven't always been. Cedric was the type of guy who never took life seriously. He was a player and class clown. Aidan was the opposite. They didn't find a friendship until Cedric became Beta and they were forced to work closely together. Cedric had to calm down a lot and Aidan finally accepted him as a good friend."

"Aidan became Alpha and Cedric became Beta. It was never announced to the Werewolf Pack Boards that Maisy became his Luna, but everybody idolizes her like she farts miracles. Why?" Logan is as perplexed

"Maisy secretly started dating Jaivan since her thirteenth birthday. They tried to hide it and deny it to the very end, but everybody knew. Their parents wanted them to wait for their mates. When it was time for Jaivan to accept the Alpha role, it was revealed Maisy was to be Luna. It didn't shock any of the pack members until we saw that Jaivan was shocked. We were confused about his reaction. Especially after Maisy accepted the position. The Luna is as important to the pack as an Alpha so the pack had been thrilled. Only, we discovered it wasn't Jaivan that had been her mate, but Aidan. Aidan didn't want it, but he didn't have a choice after Maisy's little stunt. His father insisted and he was the one to choose Cedric as Aidan's Beta. Cedric's father was the Beta before him."

"Cedric' s family is still there." I cover my eyes to hide more guilt.

"No, just his sister and Rosie. His parents died two years ago in a car accident." He shakes his head.

"Ugh, his sister is going to hate me more." I slump backward into the seat.

"She needs time. Mary has been through a lot recently. She's Beau's mate. Beau is Jaivan's best friend. So, as you can imagine, she became good friends with Maisy and Aidan became a little brother to her. It's why she hates you. Beau had left in search of Jaivan when there were rumors of him being spotted. Beau had kept in touch, but then suddenly stopped. I think your arrival as Aidan's new mate makes Mary feel uneasy. Like everything she knew is turning on her. She's scared these changes mean her mate won't be coming back. If she's in one of the cells and witnessed what we had on the video, I'm sure it had been an eye opener." He hugs me again. "Don't worry, Cam. Mary will do what is best. She'll understand. Everything is going to be okay. Stay strong. Love with your heart and forget the bad for now."

I close my eyes when I feel a warm feeling fill my chest. "You're right. I feel better. Now, can we discuss what we are going to do? We are never going to be able to rescue the pack without help. Aidan's pack..."

"Your pack, too." Adam corrects.

"Our pack has over four hundred members. It's a large town and the cells are smack dab in the center miles from where the territory begins. Their wolves will sense us once we step onto the property. We don't have enough backup to just charge in there." I throw my hands in the air. "Without help this is going to be a suicide mission."

Logan stares out the window as he goes deep in thought. "This creature used to be an Alpha, right?"

"That's what the legend says." Mindy speaks up before the others.

"What are the chances that those under his spell now see him as their Alpha? You two still have the blood bond of Aidan. That means he is still your Alpha and the land is still his. Lucas no longer has the scent of my family blood, but that of your uncle's now that he's a member. I didn't notice it earlier, but Rachel's pack scent was different. It wasn't her father's pack scent. She has another Alpha. Maybe, just maybe, they won't sense our presence since they are no longer members of Aidan's pack."

"That makes sense, but now I have another question. Why didn't she smell like you after you marked her?" Adam asks him.

He winces as if his heart had been crushed. "Our wolves are rejecting the marks. Now I know why."

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