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 I watch as the men and women stand ready to fight behind their Alphas. It was only hours ago Jaivan had stood behind members of the pack to ensure they escaped the clutches of evil safely. Now he stands as a leader in front of his army. They raise their heads in honor. Words could not be heard, but pride can be felt. Uncle places a hand proudly on my mate's shoulder and my father stands with them ready to charge.

I close my eyes and turn away from the sight when I feel the pressure of hurt and fear crushing me. I know I will run to him if I see him leave. I have to think of our child. Our pup is the only thing holding me in this spot. My chest is in excruciating pain. I have given my heart to my mate and he's taking it with him to war.

"Open your eyes, Cami. Everything is going to be okay." Logan chuckles next to me.

I shake my head keeping my eyes closed. It's not okay. Mates are stronger together. We're not supposed to be apart. I growl when he chuckles again. My wolf wants to show him this is no laughing matter. Our growl is cut off by the feeling of sparks on my arm. The bond between Logan and I had been broken when I mated Jaivan. I shouldn't be feeling tingles.

"Open your eyes, Angel." My tightly shut eyelids flash open at the sound of the deep whisper blowing kisses against my cheek. "Everything is going to be okay."

I wrap my arms around Jaivan and place my ear against his chest to hear his heartbeat once again. I know I must be crushing his ribs and cutting off his circulation with the hold I have on him. If he tries to leave me again I know he's going to have to drag me with him. I'm never letting him go again. I feel some relief when he hugs me back and doesn't attempt to walk away.

"What is going on?" I ask when I see the others have joined their mates as well.

"You're right. We are stronger together. They are going to look for weaknesses. I'm stronger with you. I know we had talked, but I don't want to question my actions or past regrets. I need you with me, Angel. I need to see that I have your forgiveness for my mistakes. Promise me that no matter what happens we will forgive now, talk later." He breathes in against my hair to catch my scent.

"I promise." I nod.

"If war does begin, I want you to run to safety." He shakes his head. "I don't want you to fight. I will fight for both of us."

I groan, but again agree. I see Logan leading the women and children to safety. He doesn't trust that he will be able to fight the darkness. He will remain with those not fighting and be their guard. I then hear another voice call my name and a rush of emotions hits me again. My cousin Andrew has brought members of my grandfather's pack with him.

"Good to see you too, Cousin." He chuckles when I rush to his arms.

"You came." I wipe my tears and see compassion and pride in the eyes of the men and women that had once been scared of me.

"Of course. We have been training for this fight for many years. We arrived last night." His grin, usually like my grandfather's, doesn't reach his eyes this time around. "There's something I must tell you. It's about the dark wolf."

"My father's wolf?" I ask and return to Jaivan's arms.

"He's not your father's wolf. Do you remember grandpa had said our great grandfather had turned greedy and power hungry? That his mate had left him and mated another?" He looks at Jaivan briefly before continuing. "You are the reincar..."

"Oh, did we arrive at the big reveal. How exciting?" An unwelcome voice squeals above all others and all become quiet. "Don't quit on our account."

Jaivan tucks me safely in his arms when familiar faces step out of the darkness. We can see that a few are deeply under the spell. My cousin Locus stands next to the robed female with others standing behind them. I sniff the air wondering how we didn't catch their scent, but there is no scent coming from them. I see Aidan standing among them with his eyes casted downward toward the ground and remember the spray he used to hide his scent once before.

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