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I had turned away from the heartbreaking sight. Nobody is around when I make it downstairs and I'm happy for it. I can hear Locus yelling at Cedric that she will rip Aidan apart piece by piece if he hurts me. Poor Cedric is trying to get a word in, but she's not letting him. It's not his fault, but he's taking the brunt of an angry mate protective of her family.

"Come back with me, Camilla. Please. Forgive me for what I had done. I was weak and Heather knew you had me sexually frustrated. I rejected you, because you were too good for me." He pauses when I make a face. "I mean that I was a screw up and you deserved somebody better. Our first day and I let somebody seduce me into the closet. We were in there to get high and one thing led to another. I stopped drinking and I stopped doing drugs. I've changed. Give me another chance."

"Camilla, I think you should talk to Alpha Aidan first." Grizzly Adam crosses his arms.

"I've been here a few hours and already know how loved his first mate is by him and the rest of the pack." Logan starts pacing. "He's not exactly out here fighting for her. Is he?"

I turn to look at Grizzly Adam when he doesn't say anything, but I hear a thud. I worry he punched the wall to the house or a tree, but he's no longer standing behind me. I take an intake of breath when I see that he's on the ground. I kneel down to check on him, but startle when I hear another thud. Logan is now on the ground as well. I look up and see that the air above me is blurry with some kind of mist above us. I see movement in one of the trees and see a figure in black. I get on my hands and knees to try crawling out from under the mist as fast as I can. It continues to lower towards me. All too soon, I catch the smell of herbs and something else. My body drops immediately after and I quickly find blackness.

"You should wake up. Your mate is getting very lonely." A voice says in my ear. "He wants to be loved by you."

I moan and struggle opening my eyes. My eyes have trouble focusing and everything in front of me is fuzzy. I feel like I've been stranded out in the middle of the desert for weeks. My mouth is dry and my body feels drained. I sit up and look around for the voice. There's a small penguin standing outside a set of bars.

"Mate. You want to mate." He tells me before waddling away.

I look around and see that I'm in a small room with no windows. There's another bed in the room and a guy sleeping on the bed. Mate. Oh, I'm supposed to mate with him. I slap my forehead. Duh. I stand up and feel dizziness hit me, but I'm determined to walk to the guy. I shake him until he opens his eyes and two enlarged blue eyes look up at me. Logan. I remember his name.

"We have to mate." He says and I nod.

He looks around the room before sitting up and pulling me down under him. He shakes his head as if he's trying to clear his focus. He even rubs his eyes. He looks down and gives me a mischievous smile.

"I want you." He says in a husky voice.

'Wait! He's your brother.' Another voice says and I push the guy off of me when he bends down to kiss me.

I hear Logan groan, but I ignore it as I look for the voice. The voice tells me again that the guy is my brother. We're not supposed to mate. That would be wrong. We're supposed to play games like kids do. Like brothers and sisters do.

"You're my brother." I whisper to the guy.

"I've always wanted a sister!" He squeals and grabs me into a hug.

"We should play a game." I squeal back happily.

We were in the midst of puddle hopping around our small room when we were interrupted. We had started out with a game of rummy but our cards kept vanishing. It was the strangest thing really. We had blamed each other at first and tried to blame Grizzly Adams, but he reminded us he was locked in a separate cell and too far away to reach the cards. He wouldn't be able to get through the bars blocking him. I scowled at Adam every time he laughed at us. We kept having to find something else to play.

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