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I've watched and witnessed the mate bond between numerous wolves throughout my years. I'm talking about werewolves like me. We all have a mate. One that is meant to be the other halves of our souls. Mates destined just for each other. When a wolf finds their mate, it should be the most wonderful experience. Love at first sight at its best.

It's said that our kind would risk their own lives to protect the ones they love, especially their mates and the pups they have together. Don't get me wrong. Loving mates still argue and disagree occasionally, but at the end of the night they are holding each other and whispering sweet nothings. They kiss and make up then cuddle on the couch. I thought it was the same with all werewolves after they found their mate. I had never known otherwise.

I wanted to feel what they felt. I wanted to meet my mate. I wanted to fall irresistibly, undeniably, and eternally in love. That's what mates are supposed to do, but I learned it's not the case for everybody. It wasn't the case for me. Not at first. I had to be thrown in trash before I could be treasured. I was locked up in bitter cells before I found home sweet home. I had gone through a war before I had peace. I was consumed by hatred before I was lavished with love.

Life has a way of leaving marks on our souls that stick with us through many lifetimes. The choices we make, the people we love, the events we live through, they all remain with us. It was like they had written 'I was here' on the top layer of our being. Like a tattoo that ages with us, but they never really go away. They just fade with time until another life event refreshes the ink.

I wake from my long sleep and feel the aches travel throughout my body. My hand immediately goes to the space next to me and I frown at the coldness I feel. There's still an indention in the pillow where his head would lay. His is much deeper than mine, as I found his strong chest as my pillow most nights. I'm careful not to disturb his side of the bed as I breathe in his scent. I can still picture his teasing smile saying I can't get enough of him. All without ever saying a single word. We never had to say anything. We just knew what the other was thinking. Feeling.

I take in another breath of his masculine scent that still lingers on the satin sheets. He hasn't been gone long. My heart still feels the pains of the separation. That same pain is the reminder I will be with him soon. Small wrinkles form around my mouth when I find an anticipating smile. I stand with renewed happiness of joining my mate. I take my time as I drop my feet to the floor and slide on the blue slippers made for me by Luna Betty before her death.

I dress in my best outfit that had once had my mate purring with lust when we went out on our last date. It had been a wild night. A night I would not forget. My wolf howls at the memory and her mind becomes dirty with thoughts of what she will do when we are with our mate once again. The pleasures of being young and in love coming to mind.

"Luna?" One of the younger female members runs to my side when she notices me trying to descend the set of stairs. "You should have called one of us to help you."

"Thank you, Sweetheart. I had called Beta Liam, but I am beginning to think he was distracted by his new mate." We both chuckle knowingly.

"Yeah, but at least he found somebody to finally bring a smile on his face." She chuckles, but blushes slightly. "I just wish they would keep their lips apart from each other when we're in the room."

"I'm here." We watch him slide slightly on the polished flooring when he rushes into the room. "Sorry. I tried to get here as fast as I could."

'How is Lorraine?" I ask and smile at his blush. "She makes you happy. I'm glad you found her."

"I am, too. She's the love of my life. She's perfect." He climbs up the stairs to grab my hand and assist me down the last few steps. "You look beautiful by the way. What is the occasion?"

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