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First of all, I would like to apologize for taking forever. Words can't even describe how busy I've been lately and it's not looking like it will slow down anytime soon seeing as I'm back in school. I started on the 6th and I'm trying to make sure that I update my books. I'm not promising that they'll be quick but I can promise that you will get some. Also, thanks for all the feedback and thanks for reading! 

When we enter the living room I'm not expecting to see bright smiles towards us. There are 3 other people who I've never physically met before and then there is Zeke and Christina with Will. When I see my bestfriend I feel even better than before. A man that looks like Zeke stands up, instead when he smiles he has deeper dimples and a he's a little bit lighter than him. He gives me a warm smile and pulls me for a hug like everyone else has, "I'm Uriah, Zeke's younger brother. Marlene's boyfriend." He jabs his thumb towards the blonde who sits on the couch, she gives me a warm smile and wave of her hand, "You must be Four's lucky lady." He winks at me and elbows me in the arm making a blush form across my face.

"Oh give her a break," Shauna buds in, pulling me away from Uriah and sits me down in between she and Christina. Tobias glares at Shauna as he sits across from me and I smile. I don't know what I've been worrying myself about for the past couple of days, "So, you've met the family. Zeke's my fiancé, and those two lovebirds are Uriah and Marlene. That grumpy gray cloud over there is my sister, her name is Lynn." Christina giggles as Lynn flicks her sister off. 

Uriah sits on the edge of his seat and claps his hands together, "I'm starving and now that these fashionably late beauties are here, we can eat." He stands to his feet as everyone starts all going towards the dining room. 

Christina helps me off of the couch with her hand pressed against my lower back and I glare at her playfully, "I'm barely showing, I'm capable of getting up myself." I laugh at her and Tobias swiftly takes me away from her to the dining room where the aromatics of garlic, basil, and tomatoes come from. The dining room has a large table with enough seats for all of us to sit. On the table is a large dish of cheesy lasagna, a bowl of tossed salad, roasted broccolini, and a cherry tomato and basil bruschetta with a feta pesto spread. My stomach lets out a low growl and I almost dive into the table and eat, I almost forgot how it feels to be extra hungry and eating for two. 

We all take a seat and start digging into the delicious meal, Tobias makes my plate and they pass around wine. Courtesy of me, they also had sparkling apple cider which was just as refreshing. Even though I really wouldn't mind two glasses of wine, I'd rather not risk the life of my baby. During dinner and getting to know each other, the interrogation starts and I can barely swallow my food when Zeke opens his mouth, "So, Four is like our brother. He is. And we welcome you to the family. But, are you really with him because you like him? Or you so happened to stay with him because he got you pregnant?" My heart starts hammering my chest. I have everything I want to tell him but it seems to be stuck in my throat, he's almost as worse as Christina

"--Zeke-" Tobias warns, shifting in my seat but I cut him off. 

"--No, I'm not with him because I'm so happened to get pregnant. But, I do care for him and he's there for me. Not only me but my girls and they seem to love him more than they did their own father who they barely knew," I say, my hands folded in my lap. Even if it's nerve racking I need to be open with his family so they can know me for me and not just because I'm trying to please them, "He makes sure that I'm okay daily and I'm only two, almost three, months pregnant. So, if you're assuming that I'm with him for money or looks than you're way off the chart." I can't help but to feel anger coarse through me. I hope it doesn't show on my face

I don't know if it's my hormones but I'm more irritable. A large smile suddenly widens on both Zeke and Shauna's faces, "I like her." She takes a sip of her wine and I envy her for a second, "No more crazy questions like we're interrogating you. Now, more fun questions; when is the baby due? When are you going shopping? Can I help decorate the room?

"Damn Shauna, one question at a time." Lynn rolls her eyes as she stuffs her mouth with the layered pasta that tastes like a chef made. 

"If it's a girl then we don't need to go shopping." I comment. 

A cheeky grin forms on Tobias' face, "I think it's a boy."

"Leave it to you to be the oddball." Will laughs and I nod my head. Even for me only getting pregnant twice I always felt like I was prone to having girls only. But, this pregnancy feels a little bit different. I feel worse; more tired, nauseous, and more cravings than with the girls. Even though Camryn gave me a little bit of trouble, it was nothing like this, "You're gonna change everything." Christina nods her head in agreement. 

"I think baby shopping is so adorable. If it's a boy that's gonna be so neat because you have to get boyish things." Christina squeals and claps her hands together. 

I stare at her for a while with my eyebrows furrowed as she goes on and on about types of sports he would play or how smart he would be, "The baby is due May 17." I tell Shauna who smiles. 

Dinner goes by well with not a lot of questions asked and I couldn't be more relieved. And at the end of the night those 4 words left me in a true state of happiness; welcome to the family

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