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When I wake on Thursday morning I find the bed empty. I walk to the kitchen and find Noah cooking breakfast for everyone. The smell of bacon and eggs hit me hard and I run to the closest bathroom.

Noah walks into the bathroom and holds my hair back for me. "I can't cook bacon and eggs right now can I?"

Noah helps me up.

"Thanks." I wash my mouth and hands.

"I'll make you some toast and orange juice." He walks out of the bathroom.

Ashley walks in. "Mummy, are you alright?"

"Yeah, princess. Mummy, just gets sick when she smells certain foods. My nose is sensitive since I have a baby growing in my tummy." I touch my stomach.

She walks towards me. "I want a brother."

I laugh.

Noah smiles when he sees me walk out of the bathroom. "What's funny?"

I grin. "Ash, wants a brother."

Noah and the kids sit around at the kitchen table and they talk about the baby.

I listen to my family as they talk about it. I have a smile on my face.


I drop the kids off at school and drive home. At home I walk into the office and go through the folder of things that I need for the fashion show in four weeks.

I need a photographer.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and search for Casey's number in Paris.

Casey: Hello Casey speaking?

Me: hey, I need you to come back to the States for a couple of nights?

Casey: do you have a fashion show?

Me: Yes, can you photograph it?

Casey: I'd love to. Jordan needs an excuse to get out of Paris anyway.

Me: It's not the place for him?

Casey: Nah, he says the lights give him a headache and the locks on the love bridge makes him sick. He misses L.A.

Me: Does that mean you will come home soon?

Casey: When we get back to LA I doubt Jordan would want to leave. I have to look for a photographer job.

The Undercover Ex Wife (Undercover 1) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now