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Kaiden and I walk into the church. Some people from town have shown up to show their respects to the deceased.

I can't believe my parents are gone.

Noah holds my hand as we take our seats in the front row.

Mum and Dad's caskets are closed.

Callie walks into the church and she walks straight to Kaiden. She hugs him. "I'm sorry, baby, I wish I got to meet your birth parents."

The priest clears his throat. "Good afternoon everyone. We're here today to say 'goodbye' to Clara and David Cole. Who were taken before there time. Does anyone want to say a few words?"

Auntie Amber stands up and she walks to the front of the church. "I'm Amber Daniels. Clara's sister, I haven't seen her in a while, but I wanted to say a few words about my sister. My sister Clara was a sporty woman who loved to sky dive, ski and dance. I remember as a child I wanted to be like my Big Sister. When she turned sixteen she became a Mum and put the child up for adoption when she realised she couldn't deal with school and juggling a baby. A family took the baby and raised him as hers. My sister was miserable without her son. She turned her life around and studied hard and she stayed with the guy that gave her the son. At twenty-one they had a daughter and became a family. Clara looked after her daughter the best she could. They provided for the child. It's a shame two beautiful lives were taken the other night and you lost the opportunity to meet their Grandchildren. I'm lucky to have my niece and nephew in my life now. Clara I promise I will take care of your children for you. I love you big sis." She sits next to Noah.

I whisper to Noah. "Can we swap seats?"

"Okay," Noah sits next to Kaiden.

I hold Auntie Amber's hand.

She leans over. "You should say something about your parents."

"I will after everyone else."

Uncle Drew stands in front of everyone. He looks at Kaiden and I. "My brother was a role model to me, while I was growing and I will miss him. I didn't get to know my niece and nephew while they were growing up. I would like to get to know them from today. David's son looks exactly like he did before he started to keep secrets from everyone. I'm going to miss my little brother."

An Agent from the CIA is sitting close to me. Callie looks at me and I tilt my head towards the Agent.

She nods and mouths. "We'll corner her after the service."


Kaiden stands in front of everyone. "I met Carla and David Cole last year when my parents told me I was adopted. They welcomed me in their lives with open arms and they spent a year getting to know there son. I will miss my birth parents. They left me with a piece of them. I will look out for my sister, Mum and Dad." Kaiden sits next to Callie.

I stand in front of everyone at the service. "I'm Amelia, Carla and David's daughter. I would like to thank you all for coming to the service today. My parents would be pleased with the turn-out. Now, what should I say about my parents? I will miss Mum and Dad. I thought I had plenty of time to mend fences with them, but before I could have a chance at that. Their lives were prematurely taken away from them. When I was growing up I remember the holidays we took and the fun adventures we had along the way. One year, Dad took me Sky Diving with him. At first I screamed and then I took in the view from the sky and it was spectacular. I'll always treasure that memory with my father. I love you Mum and Dad." I start crying.

The Undercover Ex Wife (Undercover 1) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now