«2- Chilly»

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I shiver as I walk downstairs, who knew that in Autumn it'd be so cold! Quickly I go over to the fire and set it starting to warm up the house. I take this time to get dressed while the house still warms up, why does it have to be so cold?! You know how people are a Winter person or a Summer person... I'm neither I'm the perfect temperature weather person ya know? The days were its brizzy but not too brizzy and is sunny with a few white puffy clouds in the light blue sky. I remember a day similar, it was the day Peeta and I went out... The night before Willow was made...


"I still can't get over at how my boyfriend is a fricken werewolf" I gush and he chuckles swinging our arms back and forth as we lick out ice cream cones

"Make sure you don't tell your family cause they might not react the same... Plus your Uncle is visiting who is a hunter which might not end well" he says and I nod

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me" I smile as we walk into the forest which is my favourite place in the world

"I wanna show you something" I state as we get to the familiar hollow log

"Close your eyes. And don't freak out" I say and he nods and closes them, I reach in getting my bow and arrows and load my bow pointing it at him but I don't let go

"Okay open" I order and his eyes open and he jumps insanely far and he walks back up to me

"Geez Katniss. I thought you'd shoot me in the eye" he says as I unload the arrow and I roll my eyes kissing his cheek

"So are you any good with it?" He asks

"I can show you. I bet you $50 I can get that squirrel in the eye"

"Okay. I bet you $100 that you can't"

"Deal. Watch out Mellark, I'm gonna blow your mind" I say as I spot the squirrel, I load my bow and I take a deep breath in and out, aim and shoot , the squirrel falls to the ground and we go over and I smirk at him as the arrow has pierced right through the middle of the eye and his eyes are wide

"You owe me $100" I reply and he rolls his eyes taking out $100 from his wallet and giving it to me and I put it in my pocket at the back of my denim shorts

"I shoot straight. Nothing will make me loose my focus. Not even you" I reply and he raises his eyebrow

"Okay. Let's see then"

"Alright" I reply and load my bow as Peeta is behind me and kisses my neck making me sigh but I still can concentrate he then kisses behind my ear and slips his hand up my shirt to massage my breast making me loose a lot of focus so I try to shoot but the arrow just flies downwards to the ground and my hands drop my bow and I just stand there as his lips kiss their way down my neck

"You can... You can stop now" I sigh

"Mmm. But you like it, I hear your heart beating" he says in my ear

"So I'm still going to do it" he adds and I turn around him being much taller than me, I'm only 5'7 and he's almost 6 foot

"Your hand really enjoys up my top doesn't it?" I say and he smiles massaging my breast even more

"That's it's home" he says

"Just kiss me already" I sigh and we end up making out against the tree.

Flashback over

I smile at that memory, we made love that night and he took me to a whole new world the world of great sex now no it wasn't the right time but for us it was we were too in the moment and we just done what we thought at the time was right but I didn't regret it... Not at all and I still love Peeta but I also hate him for leaving me all alone to raise our child, he left without a goodbye or without a note.

I dress Willow as we're going to an Apple picking thing, there are people all around the country side who go and we all pick apples to help the farmers more. Even though there's only about four or five houses around mine I'm pretty well known here and people love Willow even though I have no clue who they are. And so after Willow has her outfit on I take her out to the car and strap her in and I get in the front seat now it's time to pick some apples.

As we arrive there are already a lot of people here at least fifteen if not that, I get all sorted with a strap attached to a basket which has a red and white checkered blanket in it and I follow people to the apple trees, okay you have to pick the reddest ones Katniss find the reddest one and pick it Katniss I walk past the people on ladders grabbing ripe apples and that's when I find a perfect tree, I put Willow into the front of the baby holder thing that I'm wearing so that she stays laying on my chest. I climb the ladder and pick the most reddest apples I see

"Don't go hurting yourself young lady" I look down to see a man and three other men behind him

"I won't thanks for the concern" I say sarcastically

"I'm Gale and these are my... Friends. Cato, Marvel and Harry"

"That's nice" I reply starting to pick again

"What's your name?" He asks from bellow, don't say your real name Katniss

"Julie Heroldson" well done Katniss

"Nice name Julie" but I can tell he's not convinced

"Listen... Julie. Do you know the name Mellark?" He asks and I freeze, who is this guy? Does he know where Peeta is? But I don't know him and I'm not a big fan of giving out personal information

"No. Why'd you ask? Did they steal apples? Cause you'll need to report that" I reply

"Thanks for the help" and he walks away and I sigh, who the hell was that? And how'd he know to talk to me?.

The Alpha Got Me Pregnant  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now