«11- 7 Years Old»

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~Three Months Later~

I look at myself in the mirror my small bump showing and I sigh, I'm only in my fourth month and I already feel insecure about my body and I completely forgot how much your boobs hurt... even though Peeta tells me I don't look like a beached whale, I still tell myself that I am one. Today is the one day that I shall forget about my insecurities cause today is July 16th the day our baby girl came into the world and the day she turns seven, she's having a huge party this year, her friends from school are invited, her friends from her dancing class, her friends from her swimming class and all of their parents and siblings, since there's so many people coming, we've decided to have it at a park which can hold all of the guests, Peeta has spent the whole week preparing all the food which all looks mouthwatering.

"Mommy. Do you ever think of America?" Willow asks as I set out her outfit on her bed and I give her a small smile as I undress her out of her belle PJ's

"I do a lot. I sometimes wish we lived there" I admit putting her dress over her head

"Why don't you ever go back?" She asks sitting down so I can brush out her hair

"I don't know. I just guess your father and I are more comfortable and happy here" I state

"Mommy?" Willow speaks up again


"Why can't I tell people that daddy's eyes glow?" She asks as I finish putting her hair in piggy tails, Peeta and I recently told her about Peeta being a werewolf and luckily when he showed her his half werewolf form she wasn't scared she just giggled saying he looked like a cute wolf from a cartoon she watches but we had firmly told her that no was to know about the secret

"Cause baby girl. Not many people will take it the way you and I did" I explain putting her headband on and moving to her shoes

"Will I be like daddy when I grow up?" She asks as I finish her shoes

"You're going to much more powerful when you're older and we'll teach you everything you need to but not right now you still need a life to live" and she nods, she may be seven and short but she's extremely smart for her age, I then take her hand and we go downstairs to where Peeta is, taking things out of the fridge

"Daddy look at my dress!" She beams up at her father and he stops what he's doing and smiles down at her, picking her up

"You look just like your mommy" he says and she giggles

"That means I must be pretty too!" She says making me laugh a little

"You know. I made you a special birthday cake" he tells Willow and her eyes light up and he puts her down taking out a big box that has Mellark Bakery on it and I smile seeing Willow jump up and down knowing she loves her fathers cooking.


We set tables up with Beauty and the Beast plastic plates and purple plastic cutlery, two of Willows friends have arrived along with their parents and siblings, the parents help Peeta and I set everything up along with small talk, I talk to the two mothers about our second child and we tell stories of funny things our children done or said while Peeta and the husbands discuss the latest football game, I take a second to check on Willow and see her happily playing with her two friends Marry and Bobby and with their little siblings making me smile, Willow spots me and smiles and waves and I wave back, she then continues to play and I walk back helping set up.

All the kids get their food and then are seated while us adults stand around eating our food observing our children, Peeta keeps his eye on every boy who talks to Willow and sometimes even make her laugh which isn't good news for him but I make sure to hold his hand or if we're sitting down, a hand on his thigh which relieves him. After everyone has finished eating it's then time for the cake and when Willow sees it she has sparkles in her eyes, Peeta has decorated the bottom half like a red rose then on top is like Belles yellow dress and on top is a single red rose in a glass jar, this cakes is amazing, Willow gets sung happy birthday and blows out the seven candles. Once everyone gets a piece there are already kids wanting more, even the parents and soon the cake is all gone, okay I admit that I am the one who mostly ate it but everyone was full and there was enough to cut it in three pieces but I decided no and just eat it all even after that I'm eating the finger food till I can't eat another bite.

Once it starts to become sunset we start to wrap up taking all the decorations down and wrapping up the leftover food, of course Peeta, Willow and I are the last ones and by now we've packed everything and Willow is fast asleep in Peetas arms making me smile as he puts her in her car seat and strapping her in while I get in my seat exhausted from today, Peeta gets into the front seat and starts to drive off and I sigh looking out the window while Peeta keeps his hand on my thigh, today was a good day...

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