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_Few Weeks Later_

Thomas lays asleep on my chest as we sit in the backseat of the taxi that is taking us to my uncles home from the airport which takes about two hours, Haymich wasn't happy when he got told we were all coming but Peeta told him that I was going no matter what and I wasn't stoped because I know that he won't admit it but he's scared of me, I know it's true, I lay my head on Peeta's shoulder and sigh

"Tired?" He chuckles and I yawn

"We did leave two in the morning" I say, it's true we wanted to get to Haymich as soon as we could and so we left for an eight hour flight which has left both of the kids sleeping

"At least we're here now" he smiles

"Fall asleep, I'll wake you when we get there" I nod and make myself more comfortable and keep Thomas against my chest and I dream

"Look Katniss" my father points as a deer shows itself, I am five and out for my first hunting lesson with my father

"It's a deer" I smiled and he smiled down at me, he approaches the deer close enough to get a good enough view, he pulls the arrow back taking a breath and lets it go piercing through the deers eye, I watched in amazement at how perfect the shot was

"Daddy, I want to hunt just like you do" I had said and he chuckled

"One day precious, one day I'll teach you all you must know but it's not time yet, you've got much to learn about what I really do" he explained

"It's dangerous out in the real world Katniss, you may be strong but that's not enough to get rid of the danger and so I'll do all I can to protect my little girl" he said while picking me up

"Daddy. Are werewolves and vampires real?" I had asked as he walked the familiar path home as he still carried me

"I do not know for sure but it is fun to believe in make believe, I believe that there could be existents of the two, the world is too big to actually know for certain" he replied

"I've always loved the idea of seeing a werewolf. I read them in books at the library and I think they are very interesting, don't you think daddy?"

"I find them to be quite interesting but I know their true nature, most of them are out to hunt humans and ruin lives"

"But what about the nice ones? Would you kill them?" I asked

"If it came down to it, I would to protect my family. I was raised as a hunter Katniss, and I hunter I will be"

"Katniss, wake up" my eyes open and see we're still in the taxi but Willow and Thomas are awake

"Are we there?" I ask rubbing my tired eyes

"Almost, twenty-five minutes away. Thomas was starting to get grumpy cause he's hungry" he says and gives me Thomas, I cover him up with the blanket and let him feed, I think about the dream I had which wasn't really a dream, more of a memory, the memory of a time my father and I had spent time together and bonded as daughter and father, those are the days I'll never forget.

We pull up to Haymich's home and I can see him on his porch steps waiting, we get out of the car and while Peeta helps the taxi driver with the luggage I take the kids to my uncle and he smiles

"It's been quite a while hasn't it" he says

"It has. 8 Years to be exact" I reply and he chuckles hugging me then gets down to Willows level

"You don't remember me, you were only a baby when I last saw you" he explains to her

"I'm eight now uncle and I lost two of my bottom teeth. See" and she shows him and he chuckles standing up again looking at Thomas

"And this must be Thomas" he smiles at him but hides his face in my neck

"He's extremely shy around new people. He'll get use to you" I state and he smiles, Peeta then comes over with the luggage and greets Haymich with a hug

"So. Shall we go in?" He says and takes us inside, it's quite cozy in here, many pictures around some are of me and he even has the baby photos of Willow and Thomas that Peeta and I had sent, he takes us upstairs to a room which has a bed then a mattress on one side and a cot on the other

"I figured you'd all want to sleep in the same room" he admits

"It's perfect Haymich" I smile as Peeta brings the luggage in and we all go to the lounge

"Peeta. Your pack will be here soon so we can discuss a plan" Haymich notifies and Peeta nods, about a few minutes later all of Peeta's pack members show up, Finnick, Annie and their nine month old son Flynn, Johanna, Brutas and Peeta's brothers, Rye and Challah

"Now that you're all here we need to discus a game plan" Haymich starts

"How are we simply suppose to get to that thing now? We don't even know where he is" Johanna says

"And when we find them what will we even do?" Rye asks and everyone argues and Peeta watches from the corner but decides to step in

"Enough! Now, I'm the alpha and I make decisions here, we find Gale and his pack and we kill them... all of them" he explains

"That's a pretty tough decision to make, Peet" Finnick says

"Well I'm going to do it, he took my daughter once and almost killed her, what would you do if he took Flynn and tried to hurt or even worse kill him?" Peeta asks

"I'd most likely kill him before he does anything" Finnick replies

"Exactly. Gale hurt Katniss, she almost bled out if it weren't for Haymich. Gale had a chance to be good or bad but he chose to be a monster and so I'm going to do what's right and what needs to happen, I need to keep my family safe" he explains

"Anyone who isn't brave enough or thinks it's too dangerous and is afraid of getting hurt or killed should leave now" he adds but no one seems to leave and Johanna steps in

"I've never been afraid of a battle, I'm always up for some danger. I'm with you Mellark" she states and soon everyone starts agreeing making me smile at how loyal everyone is to their alpha and to his family.

It's about to go downnnnn. There either may be deaths or bad injuries I don't know I haven't decided.

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