«5- Leaving»

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My eyes open slowly, it's still dark out and I'm planning on leaving now. On my own without Peeta which will worry him a lot but I have to leave, it's the only way to save Willow. I get out of Peetas embrace, careful not to wake him and I get dressed, I put on my beanie and grab my bow and arrow leaving the note a wrote on my pillow beside him I kiss him softly one last time before I start to walk downstairs and walk out the front door. I decide not to take my car cause Gale will see me coming and so I'm gonna take this one on foot. Annie and I haven't said a word about this to anyone and we had to be careful that we were alone when talking about it.

I walk through the forest and I look at my watch 12:30 am, I've got ages till sunrise. I hope this all works out and Willow is okay, I swear to god if he has hurt my little girl than I'll do much more than hurt him. I really hope Peeta isn't worrying too much about me cause I don't want that not at all, I want to be able to do something so that the man isn't always the one saving the girl. I want to be the hero and show that girls are able to save rather than to be saved.

I pull up to the ware house seeing two men standing by the doors, just shoot one and use the other to get inside, using my hunting feet I get closer and I load my bow, focusing and letting it go and I see him hall to the ground and I'm able to quickly shoot the other in the leg, I run over and see that it's Cato and the one I killed was Marvel, I take out my hunter knife and put it against his throat

"Get me inside" I growl and he evilly smirks

"Like you'll ever use that thing" he scoffs and I stab it in his arm twisting it in his arm and I take it out putting it back against his throat his eyes show a little fear but not too much

"Get up" I spit and he does we walk in and there's Gale with Harry and two others

"Well. Well. Well, look how's made an appearance" Gale smirks

"Give me my daughter you basterd or I cut his throat" I threaten

"Oh please. I'm not going to be threatened by a girl" he scoffs and I press the blade harder against Catos throat

"Just give the kid back!" Cato yells not wanting to die

"Not till I have the gem" Gale snaps

"Oh you mean this?" I smirk showing the necklace

"Give it to me" he growls and I push Cato to the side

"You want it? Come get it asshole" I say and I start running, Gale soon following me but I'm faster I make it up the stairs before he sees and I look around and that's when I hear it, her cries

"Willow" I whisper

"Katniss... Come out. Or your kid dies" I look down at the railing seeing him holding Willow, I go back down and face him

"She looks much like you. Very beautiful" he smirks and I glare

"Give me back my baby"

"Give me the gem first" he snaps

"No way. How do I know that you won't give me my baby back" I glare

"Fine. We'll hand over at the same time" and I walk closer and he extends his arms and carefully I take my baby and I give him then 'gem' I hold Willow to my chest and her blue orbs look into mine

"Hey baby girl" I smile my eyes tearing up

"I can't let you walk out here you know" he smirks admiring the gem

"What?" I say

"You're not going anywhere" he smirks and he takes Willow away from me again, I'm about to pounce on him till he punches me, knocking me straight out.


I groan, my eyes open and I look beside me seeing Willow and I sigh, at least she was kept with me, I pick her up and she whimpers her hand on my breast, she's hungry, very hungry, I look around and find an old blanket that was left there and so I grab it covering Willow and myself as she feeds. It has to be about two hours later and she finishes feeding, I fix myself up and I burp her, well my plan didn't go the way I wanted but at least I have Willow, after she's burped I go to the door and twist the handle, locked, Gales not that stupid.

Willow and I have been in this store room for a while, how I know? Cause the sun is starting to come through and light up this whole room and I notice that it's the storage room. Peeta would be up long by now cause the search always starts at around 4:50 in the morning and so he must be worried now. Willow lays in my arms asleep, her little snores coming out as she does, I smile down at her she's the most amazing baby in the world she's so beautiful, if only Peeta could see her now, see at what such beauty we created. I now notice how cold I am seeing as I'm using my jacket to wrap up Willow so she's warm, I shove at the sudden icy wind, I look down at Willow who's still sleeping

"We'll get out. I promise. I'm not giving up so easily" I tell my sleeping daughter

"I promise we'll reunite with your daddy and that's when her eyes open and I sadly smile as she looks around to try and spot her daddy. That's when I hear a whole bunch of noises. What the hell?

The Alpha Got Me Pregnant  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now