«13- Long Process»

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~Three Months Later~

I lay down in bed not feeling every well, I've been vomiting for three days now and Peeta called our doctor to ask because we were both very worried about the baby but he had reassured us that there are some pregnancies out there that get like this in the eighth month apparently because the baby is now starting to finish the last developments and getting
ready to come out and so he had said for me to just relax in bed, eat as healthy as I can and he had special orders for Peeta to do things around the house which means doing the dishes, cooking dinner, getting Willow ready for school and dropping her off then pick her up, cleaning around the house and Peeta has done all this all easy surprisingly, he never whinges about it which just makes this pregnancy a whole lot easier for the both of us.

I lay in bed watching a marathon of Friends while eating French fries covered in tomato sauce, mayonnaise and ranch dressing which is my favourite thing to eat right now but now that I think about it everything I eat is my favourite... but everything is just so good! Pickles covered in chocolate sauce, chocolate ice cream with soy sauce on top (my personal favourite) and many other delicious things like that but of course Peeta being the not pregnant one wants to always vomit while making them but of course I don't see what's so bad about having prawns covered in barbecue sauce, you haven't lived unless you've tried them. As I'm in the middle of an episode Willow comes walking in with papers in her hands and Peeta following behind her smiling, she gets up on bed and sits next to me

"Look mommy, I done all this in school today!" She proudly states and I look at the first one, it's Willow holding hands with Peeta and I then I look at how she drew me and smile as she drew a big round belly coloured in blue, I pick up the next one this one is when the baby is born I guess because I'm laying in a bed holding a round blue thing and Willow is sitting on the bed next to me while Peeta sits in a chair smiling, they're all so cute and I love them so much

"Willow... I love them sweetie" I smile at her and she giggles

"Do you think Thomas will like them?" She asks

"I think he'll love them, they can go on the fridge where everyone can see your pretty drawings" I reply and she smiles

"Can I talk to him?" She asks and I nod pulling up my shirt enough to show my big belly and Willow puts her hands on my belly like she always does and starts talking

"Hello Thomas, it's your big sister Willow here and I want to tell you that I love you and I can't wait till we have tea parties together and play princesses together, I'll let you ride my bike and play with my barbies when you come, I can't wait to see you" she says and he starts kicking and she looks at me smiling with two of her bottom teeth missing and I smile back at her

"Mommy how much longer do we have to wait?" She asks now growing impatient and honestly so am I, I want to see my baby boy

"Only one more month sweetheart, don't forget it's a long process" I answer and she nods then she lays with me in bed and watches Friends with me.


Peeta helps me out of the car while Willow waits at the sidewalk, it's Willows assembly today and their theme is Christmas and they're doing a little play about baby Jesus and Willow was lucky enough to play Mary which she's excited about. Peeta and I take our seats as all the different classes sit on the floor on their little mats and the kids at the front sit and wait till the assembly starts which is when it all goes quiet. When Willows class performed it just brought tears to my eyes when she had her solo at singing Silent Night, she really does have a voice of an angel and not to brag but she was a little better then the other kids but she's my daughter and I'm allowed to think that.

The assembly is now over and Peeta and I are able to tell our little girl how well she done and how beautiful her singing was, when she needed to go back to class was when Peeta and I walked back to our car hand in hand as we talk about how well we liked the assembly, Willow got awarded two certificates, one was improving so much in her mathematics and another was from her Drama teacher because of how enthusiastic and encouraging she is towards Drama and her peers which made Peeta and I even proud of her and that just tells us just how well we've raised our daughter.


Peeta and I lay in bed, Peeta typing on his laptop putting new pastries on his menu for the bakery which he hopes are a success and I hope so too


"Yeah" he says

"Do you ever think about home? Like how everyone is holding up?" I ask

"I do actually more often than I wanted" he replies and I sigh

"It's just... something doesn't feel right... I mean being here and having you and the kids does but I've been getting a bad feeling lately like something bad is going to happen" I reply and he sighs closing the laptop and putting it on the bedside table

"Look Katniss, I know you miss home and I do too but we agreed to moving here, so Willow and Thomas can have normal lives which isn't filled with evil people trying to take them. I know that you have a bad feeling but I'm sure everyone back home can handle it but if they call for help then we'll be over there, you're uncle did say they would have everything under control" he explains and I sigh

"You're right.... I've just been having this feeling for a long time but I guess it'll pass" I admit, maybe it is all in my head, maybe it's because I'm pregnant or maybe it's because I miss home?.

So what do you guys think? Will Katniss's instinct be right? Or is it all in her head?

Only I shall know😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

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