«10- Telling Willow and The Scan»

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_Saturday (the scan)_

I walk into Willow's room to see her playing on the floor with her dolls, I walk over sitting next to her and she smiles

"Now Willow. Kelsey is coming over soon cause me and daddy have to go out for a little bit" I say

"Where are you going mommy?" She asks and I smile

"We'll have a talk when we get back okay?" I say and she nods, I walk back downstairs and go to Peeta who's doing last minute touch ups on the cake design, we're going for our scan today and when we get home is when we'll tell Willow. Once Kelsey (Willow's babysitter) comes Peeta and I leave I can't believe this will be our second child, Peeta loves it cause all the time on his brake I'm all over him and we end up having sex.


We wait in the waiting room patiently, playing with my silver wedding band becoming nervous, it's been a while since we had a scan and these things can get pretty unpredictable when you think about it because you don't know if the baby is healthy or not, I really hope our baby is okay, I really do. I look over to see a woman drawing with her three kids and she can barely sit because of her swollen stomach, it makes me happy seeing other people with smiles on their faces

"Mr and Mrs Mellark" the doctor calls and Peeta and I stand walking behind the doctor and I feel Peetas warm hand intertwine with mine as we enter the room. I lay down on the bed and Peeta takes the chair next to me

"Is this your first?" He asks sitting in his rolling chair which is heightened and I shake my head

"Second. We have a daughter" I reply

"Are you nervous? You're shaking quite a bit" he states and Peeta reaches over and kisses me on the cheek saying it'll be all okay, I really hope his right, to spare you the boring details he waves the wand around my stomach which has the cold gel

"And there's your baby. As healthy as can be. Now from what I see you're five weeks along" he informs and I smile

"Would you like a picture?" He asks and I nod and he prints off two and hands it to us, once we leave the room we go to the front desk and fill out two page thing and we get my vitamins that I need to take.

Peeta and I walk through the door and Willow immediately comes running and Peeta picks her up kissing her all over her face

"Daddy" Willow squeals and as always I pay Kelsey her £30 and after saying goodbye to Willow she gets on her bike and rides off, Peeta sits on the couch with Willow and I sit on the other side of her

"Okay Willow. We've got something very important to tell you" I say

"Okay mommy. What is it?" She asks

"Do you know how you wanted mommy and daddy to have a baby" I say and she nods

"Well there's a baby in mommys tummy" I reply and she smiles

"Yay! The magical fairy came!" She exclaims, it sure did Willow, payed me lots of visits

"Is it a girl or boy?" She asks

"We don't know yet, the baby is like an apple seed right now" I say

"I love apples" she giggles and I smile kissing her cheek

"When will the baby be here?" She asks

"Not till seven months" I reply and she frowns but smiles again

"Can I see your tummy?!" She excitedly asks and I smile pulling my shirt up a bit and she puts a hand on my small baby bump

"Mommy. Why can't I feel anything?" She asks

"Cause the baby is still growing, you'll be able to feel it moving soon" I reply and she kisses my tummy making me smile. She gets bored and so we watch Beauty and the Beast as a family, it gets to the part where Belle and the prince kiss

"Daddy. One day I want a boyfriend" she says and he freezes

"No man is coming near my little girl" he says and she giggles and cuddles into his side

"Besides your too young. You're not allowed to date till you're forty" he adds but she's too concentrated on the film. Peeta is going to envy the day when a boy first takes Willow out because a year after Peeta and I dated was when Willow was conceived... So he isn't too happy about that day.

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