Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 is here!!!

To say something about a review, I'm not making anyone look bad especially Luke. Everyone will have partners sooner or later in this story and I'll make it better, k?

Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 3

April 16

What could be Percy's picture that could make Luke that angry? I'll check on it later after dinner... I said to myself.

"Miss Annabeth!! Miss Annabeth!!" someone called. I'm in my room, sitting on a cushion beside a window that has curtains around it for privacy. I looked up from my book but didn't say anything. I knew that they already know where I am. If I'm not in the garden or porch or library, I'm in my room.

"Miss Annabeth, you're grandparents are calling for you. Dinner is about to start." A maid that was calling told me. I nod then stood up. "Thanks." I said.

She then led me towards the dining room. Grandpa and grandma are already there. Grandpa seating on the head of the table with grandma seating at his right. And another set of plate, glass, and utensils at his left where I'll be sitting. I approached them both and kissed them on the cheeks then sat down on my chair. I don't know why but they're looking at me like I've done something bad and they're here to make you admit it without them asking.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Your late, Annie. You know dinner starts at 7." Grandma said.

"Er... I wasn't looking at the time. Sorry. I was reading-"

"As usual." Grandpa said.

"Alright, I'm sorry. What's for dinner?"

"These." They said.

Tonight we have roast beef and lamb chops. Some pudding and vegetables. It looks yummy. But why is there so many?

"Er... not that I'm complaining, guys, but what's the celebration?" I asked them.

"Nothing. We just feel like eating these tonight." Grandpa answered like it was normal. Well for them, it is.

"Oh... okay. Bon Appétit." I said.

Then we attacked the food.


"What will the internet show you, Chase?" I asked myself, searching for Percy's current pictures.

Dinner's finished and I'm back in my room. I left as soon as I can because grandpa and grandma kept on asking me questions...


"Annie got any plans tonight?" grandpa asked.

"Er... no. Why?" I asked cautiously.

"You should get out more. Go to the park. The movies. The mall. Anywhere. Why stay in your room?"

"I love reading, grandpa. Besides, I don't know anyone here except Luke."

"Go meet him, then."

"No can do. He's probably tired from his work. He's been working the whole day. He texted me and said that he's got a cold."

"Oh..." he sighed. "Alright. You win. Go read."

"Well, I'm not going to read after dinner. I'm gonna surf."

"Surf? You don't want to go out but you'll surf?"

"Yeah. Surf the internet. Bye then."

Then I left before they got a chance to ask me more , and possibly embarrassing, questions.

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