Chapter 5

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Thanks for the reviews, guys!!! I appreciate it!!! Now, I think this chapter will be Lukabeth...

Now may I present....

Chapter 5!!!


Chapter 5

Three days later- April 19...

I never got out of my room after that little 'Percy incident'. But when I do, it's only to go to the mall, garden, and other places I normally do.

Moving on not pretty great and luckily that incident never happened again.

 But I do hope Percy's alright. I can't stop myself. It's just... it sucks being heartbroken... But I don't want to make mine deeper than before...

But maybe fate and destiny are my friends this time. I never saw him again...

Thank goodness...


I'm now here in the mall. Looking at new books to read. A title caught my attention so I took it out of the shelf. It's The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks... I opened the book a bit to have a quick reading at chapter 1. I liked it so I continued walking. If I like the story very much, I finish it quick as well. So I buy more than one, got it?

Another book caught my attention: The Host. Then another few...

I went to the counter to pay when...

"Nice seeing you again, Annie."

I turned around and smiled.

"Hey, Luke. Why are you here? Day off again?" I said to him.

"You could say that... anyway, got any plans?"

I shook my head.

"Could we go to a movie tonight?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I smiled.

"Of course, Luke. Why not? Meet you at the movie theater at 7?"

"Yeah... See you..." he smiled one last time then walked away.

I sighed.

What should I wear?? Hmm.... Better get home then...

I left the mall and quickly made my way for home.

Not knowing that I captured once again the attention of a particular sea green eyed guy...


7 pm

"Grandma! Grandpa! I'm going to the movies. Be home by 10, k?" I said to my grandparents before leaving.

"K, Annie. Have fun!!" grandma answered.

I took a last look at myself at the floor length mirror at the hall.

I'm wearing a black polka dotted sleeveless shirt and over it is a plain white loose shirt that falls off on one shoulder. I decided to just leave my hair down. The blonde curls beautiful to look at. I have light make-up or else Luke might think that I'm dressing up for him. As if. We're just seeing a movie as friends. Best friends in fact. I'm also in my favorite black skirt that reaches above my knee and in my favorite converse.

After looking at myself and looking for slight imperfections, I went to my car.


"Hey, Annabeth. You look lovely." Luke said when he saw me approaching. I smiled.

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