Chapter 18

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Hey, demigods!


I apologize for the wait, but, I’m starting to think if I should stop writing this story. Since, some aren’t too favorable with where my story’s going. Don’t get me wrong, even I’m confused sometimes, but, hey, cut me some slack. I’m a newbie here. I’m freaking 15 years old. So please, kindly lessen the tough words a bit. Thanks.


Anyway, I picked Philippines because it’s my hometown. Yes, I’m also a Filipino. That’s why I’m a bit rusty in English. I picked this country because it’s not picked very often. And I think everything that I’m looking for for a new place for the story could be found there. I know the place. I know some history of it…even though 95% of that is from the internet…but, most of all, because I want to have a story where my country gets to be visited by my favorite fictional characters.


So, without another word, I give you chapter 18!!



Chapter 18




“Philippines?” I asked.

Annabeth looked at me with a raised brow and an expression that says ‘don’t even think of disagreeing with me, buddy…’ that made me have goosebumps.

“Yes, Percy. Philippines. It starts with a ‘p’ and ends with an ‘s’. Philippines.” Annabeth replied.

I grabbed my white and blue polka dotted handkerchief from my pocket and waved it towards Annabeth with my right hand. Then I raised my left hand in a sign of surrender. “Annie, calm down. I’m just asking.”

Echo entered and saw us, she chuckled.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Nothing. Percy started over reacting.” Annabeth replied.

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