Chapter Two.

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         Vic aimlessly walked through town, the wind sweeping through his brown locks.  He was no longer concerned about the fact that he will get shit for skipping school, but he could care less. All he cared about was Kellin, the boy with the greenish brown eyes and the black hair that was perfectly placed.

          By the time it was almost late afternoon, Vic had stumbled over to the bridge. It wasn’t a big bridge, but it was a fairly sized bridge. The bridge was several feet above the shallow river below. It was the perfect place for people to walk and enjoy the scenery.

          Something caught Vic’s attention though. He was halfway to the bridge when he heard what sounded like an angel; at least to him it sounded like an angel. Vic walked closer until he could see who the voice belonged to and, there, standing on the ledge of the bridge, was Kellin Quinn. The same boy that he hadn’t seen in two weeks and without a doubt developed a crush on him.

          Vic hid behind a tree, not wanting to be seen, and listened to Kellin. He listened to every word and picked up on the emotion Kellin put into the words he started to sing. Vic also paid attention to how Kellin was getting choked up and moving closer to the very edge of the ledge he stood on.

“Is there a right way for how this goes?

You've got your friends

And you've got your foes

They want a piece of something hot

Forget your name like they forgot

Oh, ain't that something?

Some wanna see you crash and burn

And criticize your every word

I'm trying to keep from going insane

Ain't that the way of this whole damn thing

Oh, trying to be something more

Nobody's gonna love you if

You can't display a way to capture this

Nobody's gonna hold your hand

And guide you through

No it's up for you to understand

Nobody's gonna feel your pain

When all is done

And it's time for you to walk away

So when you have today

You should say all that you have to say

Say all that you have to say

Is there a right way for being strong?

Feels like I'm doing things all wrong

Still I'm here just holding on

Confess my heart and forgive my wrongs.

Oh, just trying to show you something more

Nobody's gonna love you if

You can't display a way to capture this

Nobody's gonna hold your hand

And guide you through

It's up for you to understand

Nobody's gonna feel your pain

When all is done

And it's time for you to walk away

When you have today

You should say all that you have to say

Don't point the blame when you can't find nothing

Look to yourself and you might find something

It's time that we sorted out

All of the things we complain about

So listen close to the sound of your soul

Take back a life we led once before

If it ain't you then who?...

If it ain't you then who's gonna love you?

Nobody's gonna love you if

You can't display a way to capture this

Nobody's gonna hold your hand

And guide you through

It's up for you to understand

Nobody's gonna feel your pain

When all is done

And it's time for you to walk away

When you have today

You should say all that you have to say

So when you have today

Say all that you have to say”

          Kellin finished singing the song he had written a while before. He didn’t even bother to stop the tears that made their way down his bruised face. He didn’t see the point in even living anymore. ‘It’s not like anyone cares.’ Kellin thought inside his head.

          Kellin sighed, thinking about everything that happened over the past two weeks. Everything about those two weeks brought fresh tears to his eyes and pain in his chest. He wanted so badly to forget everything that happened to him, everything said to him, and everything he was forced to do. Oh, how he wished he could have went to school instead.

          He shuddered as the wind picked up. He was so close to the ending it all. He was scared out of his mind, afraid of what would happen next. Would he make it? What would everybody think about him then? What would happen to him afterwards? What if he didn’t succeed and things got worse from there? Did he really want to go through with it?

             All these questions were running through his mind. He wanted so badly to end his own life, but he was scared to do so. He battled with himself before re-opening his eyes. He took a deep breath, looking down at the water with blurred vision. He was going to go through with it. This was it for him. Kellin closed his eyes as he took a few deep breaths to calm down.

“Goodbye.” Kellin whispered, getting ready to step off the ledge.

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