Chapter Four.

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        I Dedicate This Story To My Two Best Friends . I Love You Guys ! (:  @KiraAmshey &


          “What’s this dude’s name?” Mike spoke quietly. A smile appeared on Vic’s face when he looked down at Kellin, asleep in his arms. “Bro, you got it bad. You can’t even tell me his name without smiling like an idiot.” Mike chuckled, making Vic blush at his comment. Vic mumbled Kellin’s name before walking away from his chuckling brother and into the house.

          Vic kept glancing at the clock beside his bed, watching the time go by slowly. He had been sitting beside his bed watching Kellin for the past 5 hours. He was starting to think that Kellin may never wake up. Vic spent hours trying to figure out Kellin.  All while staring at Kellin; he noticed the dry blood on his forehead, hidden underneath his black hair.

          Vic moved Kellin’s hair to the side and gently began wiping away the blood, with a damp towel. Kellin’s eyes snapped open and grabbed Vic’s wrist, stopping his movements. For a moment, Kellin thought it was his dad, hurting him in his sleep. When Kellin realized it was just Vic, he let go of his wrist.

          “I’m sorry Vic…” Vic shook his head at Kellin; telling him not to be sorry. “What happened to you, Kellin?” The question made Kellin want to vomit. His heart started to pound in his chest as memories flooded his mind. Tears were starting to leak from his closed eyes.

          Vic quickly wrapped his arms around Kellin, his tears soaking through his shirt. He rocked Kellin back and forth as he tried to sooth him. Kellin let out a loud, broken, sob. It was a sob that made Vic want to hold and protect Kellin forever.

          “They r-raped and…and beat me.” Kellin’s words came out in between sobs and his voice shaky. Vic froze, he stopped rocking Kellin, and his grip tightened around his waist. The action made Kellin look up at Vic to see his blank expression.

          Vic made no movement as Kellin freed himself from Vic’s grip. He searched for his jacket, finding it hanging on a chair. “Where are you going?” Kellin spun around to face Vic who was now standing.

“I have to get home.” Kellin replied, his eyes shining with confusion.

“No. You’re not going there.” His answer was simply, but Kellin could tell there was more behind it. There was a deeper meaning to his words and Kellin could tell just by the look in his eyes

“You’re staying here.” That sentence made Kellin’s heart pound, but in the best way. He was going to be staying under the same roof as Vic; the man he’s falling for. Despite what he had planned on doing, and how miserable he felt, Vic made him feel happy. There was something between them that Kellin was sure of.

“Um…where am I going to sleep?” Vic rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. He could feel his cheeks heat up as he realized that they would have to sleep in the same bed. Vic wasn’t sure if he could handle sleeping next to Kellin. Hell, he could hardly be around him without being nervous.

“Uh…you and I will sleep together.” His eyes widened as he reheard the words he just said. He was sure that his     cheeks were now a beat red. Kellin raised an eyebrow up at Vic, upon hearing his words. Amusement danced around in his eyes as he watched Vic stutter on his next sentence. “I-I mean…not sleep together, like that. We’ll…uh…just be sleeping in the same bed.”

Kellin started to laugh at Vic. Hearing Kellin laugh brought a smile to Vic’s red face. “You should laugh more.” Vic spoke his thoughts, not meaning too. Kellin’s face was now turning a light shade of pink; a blush forming on his pale cheeks. Before either of them could reply Vic’s mother walked in.

“Kellin, you’re awake. Would you like something-“ His mom noticed their red faces and smirked slightly. “Am I interrupting something here?” Both of the boys’ faces turned scarlet red. Vic glared at his mother, begging her to leave with his brown eyes.

“Mom, we weren’t doing anything!” Vic whined, making Kellin shoot him another amused glance and his mom chuckle. “Okay. Okay. Now, you two boys come down and get something to eat.” Vivian, his mother, ordered before walking back down the stairs. 

“I’m sorry about her.” Vic apologized for his mom, clearly embarrassed. Kellin just chuckled and headed out of the room, heading down to the kitchen. Vic followed shortly after him, only to be stopped by Mike. Mike grabbed his brothers’ arm and dragged him to his room, closing the door behind him.

          Vic gave his younger brother a strange look, silently asking him what he was doing. “You should tell him.” Mike grinned. Vic choked on his spit and began coughing. “Are you crazy?! I can’t tell him that. We hardly know each other.” Vic explained, his voice slightly rose. Mike sighed overdramatically.

          “You won’t tell him you like him but you offer to sleep with him? That’s not right Vic.” Vic gasped at his brother whilst his brother walked out of the room. Vic groaned and trudged down the stairs, entering the kitchen. Vic glared at both his mother and brother before taking a sit at the breakfast bar next to Kellin.

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