Chapter Eight.

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This Chapter Is Short . Sorry But I Don't Care .

Mike sat on the couch, trying to focus on the TV in front of him but no matter how hard he tried, his mind would go back to his brother. He was concerned about his older brother. He hadn’t come out of his room in almost two hours.

Mike, not being able to focus on anything else, walked the stairs to Vic’s room. He jiggled the door knob, seeing it was still locked. Mike groaned and rested his forehead against the white wooden door. An idea suddenly came to him. He went to the bathroom and looked for a bobby pin he could use. He grabbed the only one he could find and kneeled in front of Vic’s door knob. He stuck the bobby pin in the small hole and moved it around a bit before he heard a click.

He smiled in victory and did a little dance. He slowly opened the door, hoping his brother was asleep or something. Mike knew that Vic would be mad at him for coming in his room, considering he hated other people in his room. Mike smiled slightly at the sight of his sleeping brother on his bed.

Something caught Mike’s eye before he got the chance to leave the room. He walked closer to Vic and lifted the cover off of him. The sight before him made him gasp and he felt his stomach twist with disgust and disappointment. Mike counted the many cuts that were on full display. Anger raised in him as he counted 40 of them.

“Victor Vincent Fuentes!” Mike shrieked. Vic jumped awake and looked at Mike annoyed. He was about to tell him to get out of his room but he noted that Mike was staring at his arm that still had dried blood on it. Fear filled his brown eyes and he tried to explain himself.

But Mike didn’t want to hear what Vic had to say. He wanted to know what the hell was going through his head when he did this. He wanted to know why he didn’t come talk to him instead. Mike wanted to know a lot of things, but none of his question’s came out.

“You promised me Vic! You said you wouldn’t do this to yourself anymore. What the hell happened to that? I know this is hard for you, since the same thing happened with dad, but you could have come and talked to me! You know I wouldn’t have judged you. I would have stopped you and comfort you like I’ve always done. Do you know how much this fucking hurts me? It hurts seeing my brother in so much pain that he has to take a razor to his skin and not come talk to me about it.”

Mike ranted. He had tears dripping off his chin and he couldn’t control how hurt he was. He thought that he and Vic were closer than this. He always thought that Vic would want to come and tell him what he was thinking, how he felt, or whatever he had to say.

“Mike, I’m sorry. I know I should of came and talked to you, but it was just there. And all the memories of dad came back at full force and I-I just couldn’t stop myself this time.” Vic explained. Mike’s face softened slightly at Vic. He carefully grabbed his brother arm and pulled him to the bathroom.

He reached for the peroxide and took the cap off. Vic’s eyes enlarged when he settled on the peroxide bottle. “Mike, no. I hate that stuff.” Vic had tried begging Mike but Mike ignored his pleas. He poured the liquid on the wounds, making Vic yelp at the stinging sensation.

“It has to be cleaned.” Came Mike’s reply to Vic’s yelp of pain. He washed away the dried blood, inspecting his arm as he did so. He made out that some of the cuts were deeper than others, making his stomach twist again. He wanted to vomit at the sight of them.

“Done.” Mike dropped Vic’s arm when he finished wrapping a bandage around it. Mike didn’t say another word to Vic and walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to his room. Vic made his way back to his room as well and collapsed on his bed. Sleep was quick to come to the emotional teenager as he closed his eyes.

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