Chapter Three.

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       “Kellin! Stop!” Kellin heard someone shout his name, making him jump. Kellin lost his footing and slipped off the ledge; his eyes large as fear took over him. Kellin didn’t know why he was so scared of dying all of a sudden. Maybe it was the thought of someone seeing him do it, or the fact that he may not be ready to leave yet.

          Vic hastily grabbed for Kellin’s wrist with both his hands. Kellin’s body dangled over the water as he held onto the metal. Vic began to try to pull him up; using all the strength he could muster. Kellin realized that Vic was trying to save him and he didn’t want to be saved. Not now.

          “No! Let go of me Vic.” Kellin began to scream, tears flooding his eyes. Vic shook his head and continued to pull the suicidal boy up. Kellin repeated over and over that he wanted to die, screaming that he hated his life, all while tears flowed down his face.

          Kellin and Vic collapsed on the pavement beneath them, Vic crying and breathing heavily, while Kellin just sobbed. He wrapped his arms around the shaking teenager; bringing him closer to him.

          “K-Kellin, why?” Was all that Vic could get out. Kellin never answered him, endlessly crying into Vic’s clothed chest. Vic rocked Kellin back and forth, trying to calm him down as best he could. Eventually, Kellin cried himself to sleep in Vic’s arms, in the middle of a bridge.

          Vic had taken notice of the form sleeping in his arms as his tears subsided. He slowly stood up, Kellin in his arms, not wanting to wake him. It was only when Vic had started walking that he realized he was at least an hour away from his house. He couldn’t carry Kellin for that long, without getting tired himself.

          Skillfully, Vic managed to grab his cell phone out of his front pocket and dialed Mike’s number; asking to get picked up. Kellin stirred slightly in Vic’s strong arms, his eyes fluttering open. He didn’t say a word, and neither did Vic. The two boys stared at each intently, as if they were trying to figure each other out.

          The sound of a car horn interrupted the twos moment, making them break eye contact. “Who’s that?” Kellin’s voice came out as a whisper, pointing to Mike. Mike got out of the car, tattoos covering his arms, making Kellin back farther into Vic. Vic smiled slightly at how close him and Kellin were, making a warm feeling spread throughout him.

          “That’s Mike, my brother. He won’t hurt you.” Vic spoke slowly. He put Kellin back on the ground and smiled at his brother, who in return, waved. Kellin, who stood beside Vic, began trembling as he saw Mike walk closer. There was something about Mike that reminded him of the past two weeks. Maybe it was his tattoos or the intimidating look he had about his self.

          Arms wrapped around Kellin’s waist, almost instantly calming him. Brown eyes met blue ones. Once again, the two boys lost their selves in each other; not caring that Mike was staring at them weirdly. It was only then that Vic let his eyes scan over Kellin’s face.

          Bags were formed under both Kellin’s bluish green eyes and his skin was paler. His left eye was swollen shut; black and blue, his bottom lip was cut open, and he had a bruise on his right cheek; starting from the bottom of his eye to his jaw.

          Vic felt anger rise in him as he took in the appearance of the fragile boy in front of him. He wanted to hurt whoever made him go through this. He wanted to do nothing but hunt down the person responsible for Kellin’s bruises. Vic had never felt this anger before and he couldn’t understand why Kellin had such an effect on him.

          “Vic? Are you two getting in the car or are you just going to stare at each other?” Mike’s deep voice broke them out of their trance. Kellin looked at the ground, trying to hide his flaming cheeks with his black hair. Vic, on the other hand, was smiling slightly at Kellin’s red cheeks. “We’re coming.”

          The three of them finally pulled up to a two story house. Vic had looked back at Kellin and smiled, seeing him propped up against the window asleep. “You like him, don’t you?” Mike questioned, after noticing the way his brother looked at the younger one. Vic’s head snapped back to Mike and looked down.

          “I-I think I might be falling for him Mike. After finding him in the bathroom, I just couldn’t get him out of my head. Even before that, I found myself attracted to him and we never talked before.” Vic confessed and sighed. Mike nodded along to everything he said.

          Kellin, who had been pretending to sleep, to avoid any questions, was shocked at what he heard. Vic was gay? He actually liked him? He didn’t even think someone was capable of liking him. There was no way this was true. He had to be dreaming, right? It was all a dream. And that’s what Kellin kept telling himself; that what he heard was a dream or something and he didn’t want to believe it.

          Soon the door was being opened and Kellin was lifted off the seat. He recognized the strong arms to belong to Vic, from when he held him earlier. Kellin felt the most weirdest thing in his stomach. It felt like someone had opened a cage full of birds and they were flying around in his stomach.

           Kellin knew he had developed a crush on the one Fuentes brother. There was no way that this crush would leave anytime soon, considering that he was constantly thinking about him. He couldn’t get his beautiful brown eyes or his amazing smile out of his head. It was all he could think about. Vic was all he could think about.

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