Chapter Eleven.

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This Is It Guys ! The Chapter Filled With Smut . Like I Said , You Don't Like It , Get The Hell Out Of Here And Find A New Fucking Story To Read . I Know I'm Being Mean But I Don't Care . But I Love The Guys Who Read And Vote On My Story . It Means A Lot To Me And I Love You Guys !

Vic placed his hands on the under side of Kellin's thighs and lifted him up with ease; considering he didn't weigh much. Kellin tangled his fingers in Vic's brown locks and locked his ankels together behind Vic's back. Vic pulled away slightly, just enough room for him to talk.

"I really wanted to do this. For a long time now." Vic's lips grazed Kellin's with every word that escaped from them. Kellin breathed heavily from the make out session that had just happened with the two. Kellin could only nod in agreement.

The two were quick to reunite their lips together, both putting their emotions into it as if it would be their last kiss. Which in this case, would be their last kiss. Kellin would still move after this and Vic had no word in it. He was going to be in the hands of legal gaurdians.

Vic walked up the stairs, keeping a strong hold on Kellin. He broke away from Kellin to find his room. Once he found the right room, he placed Kellin on the bed and hovered over him.

"Kellin, are you okay with this? I mean I know I just showed up and kissed you and now we're in your room-" Vic's rambling was cut short by a pair of soft lips. Kellin grabbed Vic's collar and pulled him closer to him, making their chests rub together.

"Shut up, Vic. I've wanted you since the day we stopped talking." Kellin brought his lips back to Vic's, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip. Vic, being the tease that he was, decided not to let Kellin in. Kellin groaned in the back of his throat and trailed his hands down Vic's body.

He bit his lip, making the older of the two gasp. Kellin smirked and slipped his tongue inside of Vic's mouth, exploring every inch that he could with his tongue. Vic moaned quietly into Kellin's mouth, making Kellin even more turned on than he already was.

Vic grinded his semi hard dick against Kellin's. Kellin trailed kisses down Vic's jaw and neck. Vic bit his lip to keep in a moan that was threatening to come out as Kellin gently sucked on Vic's sweet spot.

"You have to many clothes on." Vic tugged off Kellin's shirt and tossed it somewhere in the room, not caring where it went. He took off his own shirt before attacking Kellin's neck. He bit and sucked on Kellin's neck, loving the moans that came from the boy under him. While marking Kellin as his, he unbottoned Kellin's pants and began to take them off.

"You're so beautiful." Kellin blushed at the comment made by the boy he was in love with. He was sure now that he was in love with him. He had to be if he was about to have sex with the guy. And it wasn't just any guy he was in love with and give his virginity too. No, it was the guy who gave him a chance.

Kellin was drawn from his thoughts when he felt Vic's hand grasp him. Kellin gave out a low moan at the feeling and arched his back, wanting more. Vic grinned, knowing he was doing a good job at pleasuring Kellin.

"I want you now, Vic." That simply sentence made Vic's dick twitch. He needed Kellin just as bad as he needed him. Vic stood from the bed and slid down the sweat pants he was wearing. He crawled back on top of Kellin, their hard dicks rubbing together.

Kellin reached his arm out, searching a drawer for his bottle of lube. Once his hand found the small bottle he tossed it at Vic. Vic smirked. "Someone's eager for this to happen." Kellin just blushed and turned his head away, making Vic chuckle at his cuteness.

Vic opened the bottle and squirted a good about of the substance on his hand. Vic evenly rubbed the lube onto his member, flinching at the cold contact. Kellin, feeling the courage build up, removed Vic's hand with his own.

Vic's moans got louder and louder as Kellin's movements got faster. "O-okay. Stop before I finish now." Vic panted. He removed Kellin's hand and laced their fingers together. He lined his member up with Kellin's hole and looked at him.

"Are you ready?" Kellin nodded. Vic pushed the tip in, making Kellin wince in pain. "Okay?" Vic would ask everytime he pushed in. When Vic was fully inside of Kellin, he gave Kellin a moment to adjust.

"Okay. Move." Kellin grunted. He moved slowly in and out of Kellin, not wanting to hurt him. "God dammit Vic. Move faster." Vic did as he was told. He moved all the way out of Kellin and slammed back into him, making the young boy scream with pain and pleasure.

Vic continued the quick pace, moaning as he did so. Kellin arched his back, wanting to get more of Vic as possible. Kellin squeezed Vic's hand when Vic angled himself differently and hit Kellin's buddle of nerves.

Kellin moaned loudly when Vic hit the same spot over and over. Kellin felt himself nearing his climax, as did Vic. "I-I'm close Vic." Kellin warned. Vic pounded into Kellin faster and harder. He tugged on Kellin's hard dick. The room was filled with moans and screams coming from the two teenagers.

The pleasure was to much for Kellin. His walls clunched around Vic's dick making Vic come inside of him. The feeling of Vic releasing inside of him made him spill onto his stomach.

Both boys fought to catch their breaths, calming down from their highs. Vic saw a box of tissues on the table beside them and cleaned Kellin up. He threw the tissue away and kissed Kellin again. The kiss they shared this time was more softer and gentlier. It was filled with the love they felt for each other.

It's Sucky I Know . But Oh Well . Love You Guys Anyway .

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