Chapter Ten.

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Happy New Years Everybody . I'm Finally Updating The Story . It's Been A While But I've Had Some Serious Writers Block . Anywhore , Enjoy This Chapter . (:

Weeks went by and Kellin found himself thinking about Vic often. Every day, Vic would cross his mind, invading his thoughts. He would catch his self staring at the tan boy. He noticed that Vic looked a lot paler and skinnier since the last time they talked; Kellin knew it was his fault. He was hurting the kid by acting like he didn’t exist.

Kellin decided he would try to talk to Vic again, to see how he was doing. He made his way to Vic’s locker at the end of the day, prepared to talk to him. The scene before him made him stop in his tracks, in the middle of the hallway. People bumped into him and yelled at him to move, but Kellin wasn’t listening. He was in a state of shock as he watched the scene unfold.

Vic leaned against his locker, a smile on his face, and his muscular arms wrapped around a petite blonde. The blonde had a smile that matched Vic’s, showing the happiness that they both felt.

He knew he shouldn’t be getting upset over seeing Vic with someone else. But damn, was he upset over it. He wouldn’t admit it but he was slowly falling for Vic and he couldn’t stop it this time. The more time he spent away from him, the more he craved his touch. He craved to have his lips pressed to his and to feel his arms wrapped around him.

All the air left Kellin’s lungs when he witnessed the two touch lips. The blonde tangled her hands in Vic’s soft brown locks and deepened the kiss; Vic seemed to smile into the kiss even more. Tears brimmed Kellin’s eyes as he started to make his way through the crowd of students; breaking into a run to his house.

Kellin slowed his pace when his house came into view. It wasn’t just the house that caught his eye. It was a car parked in his driveway and two people sitting on his doorstep. Once he was close enough, he recognized the two people to be his mother’s parents.

“Grandma?” Kellin asked, making sure it was really them and his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. The two heads snapped up and their eyes widened in surprise. The old woman was the first one up off her feet. She wrapped her frail arms around Kellin’s neck; bring him into a warm embrace.

“Kellin, we heard what had happened with your uncle.” And that’s when Kellin lost it. He hugged his grandmother tightly to him as he sobbed into her shoulder. Everything that had been built inside was finally coming out. His tears soaked the cloth that covered the bony shoulder his head rested on.

“Oh, Kellin. We want you to come live with us. Get you away from all the memories here.” Kellin didn’t give it a second thought before he nodded. There was nothing here for him anyway; just the horrible memories he so desperately wanted to forget.

 The next day at school, Kellin informed his teachers. He let them know that he would be moving and that he would need all his work transferred to the new school he would be going to.

It was Kellin’s last class; the only class he had with Vic. He avoided eye contact with the older boy as he made his way to his teacher. He could feel Vic’s eyes burning a hole through the left side of his head.

“Ms. Stark, I would like to inform you that after today I won’t be here. I need all my work and papers transferred.” Kellin explained trying his best to smile. Ms. Stark simply smiled and nodded. “I’ll get to that after school. Where are you moving too?”


Vic felt his chest tighten when he heard the news about Kellin. People had been whispering that Kellin was going to be moving but Vic had failed to believe it. He wouldn’t believe it unless he heard it directly from Kellin himself. . And now he was hearing it. He heard the very words come from Kellin’s mouth.

Vic wasn’t sure if he could let Kellin leave though. His feelings for the pale one still hadn’t disappeared. His feelings seemed to just grow more and more with each day that passed by. Every time he saw Kellin in the hallways, his heart would flutter. He never once saw a smile upon the face of the boy he was falling for.

Sure, Vic had Jenna. But Jenna wasn’t the one he had wanted all this time. The one he wanted was the one that was about to move away. To a whole other state. A state where he would make new friends, find someone else to love, and forget all about Vic. He would forget everything that was here. 

 It was now Saturday morning and Vic was laying on his bed Jenna curled into his side. It didn’t feel right with Jenna next to him. All he could think about was Kellin being the one next to him, the one he kissed, hugged and hung out with.

Vic jumped from the bed, knowing that he needed the black haired boy. “I’m sorry Jenna. I have to go.” Vic rushed out of the house, ignoring the shouts from his mother telling him to come back. He took off down the road, hoping it wasn’t too late.

“Kellin, there’s a young man here for you.” He heard his grandfather call up the stairs to him. Kellin stopped his packing, wondering who could be here for him.

What he saw at the door surprised him. Vic, breathing heavily, was standing in his living room. . His hair was going in every direction, bags were evident under his eyes, and even in the state he was in, Kellin thought he was absolutely beautiful.

“We’ll be leaving now.” Kellin’s grandparents walked out of the house, closing the door behind them. Vic walked closer to Kellin, who backed away. He backed away from Vic until his back was pressed against the wall. 

Vic didn’t stop though. He pressed his body against Kellin’s, pressing his lips on the chapped ones of Kellin. Kellin, in a state of shock, didn’t know what to do. Vic pressed his lips harder against Kellin’s, hoping for a reaction.

Kellin finally came to his senses and kissed the boy back. This is what he wanted. He wanted Vic’s lips on his; he wanted to feel the sparks between them. He wanted to feel every inch of Vic.


 The Next Chapter Will Contain Smut . So , If You Aren't Into That Then Don't Read The Chapter . Just A Warning Because I Felt Like Being Nice And Giving One . (;

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