Chapter Seven.

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It was a little over an hour and Vic was still sitting in the waiting room. He had called his brother Mike and told him where he was. Mike, being the caring brother he was, rushed to the hospital. He had wrapped his arms around his older brother as he let him weep into his shoulder.

It was hard seeing his brother like this. The last time Mike had seen Vic so vulnerable was when he tried to kill his self. After Mike had stopped him, Vic had grown happier, he had the spark back to his eyes and he had the energy back. It was only now, seeing Vic emotionless and crying that he really cared for the Kellin kid.

“Kellin Bostwick?” An old man, about the age of 60, wearing a white coat called into the nearly empty waiting room. Vic was quick to stand up and walk closer to the doctor. Mike followed Vic, also wanting to hear what he had to say about the boy his brother was falling for.

“Are you family of Mr. Bostwick?” Vic shook his head, making the doctor sigh. “Only fam-“ Vic quickly cut the man off. “I’m his boyfriend. He has no other family that I know of.” The old man glanced at Mike and then back at Vic.

“Very well. Mr. Bostwick was beaten pretty badly. He’s got two fractured ribs, a sprained wrist, and he also suffers from some memory loss. Now, he may remember some things and he may not. The memory loss isn’t as bad as we had thought. He still knows what year it is and who he is. He’ll have to stay here for two more days, so we can keep an eye on him.” The doctor read from his clipboard.

Vic wanted to cry all over. There was a 50/50 chance that Kellin wouldn’t remember him. The man he was falling in love with may not remember him and that made Vic want to scream. He wanted to punch a wall over and over and just let out all the frustration he had been keeping in all those years.

“If you follow me, I will take you to him.” Vic made no movement. He didn’t move nor say a word to anything that was said to him. Mike, with the sadness written on his face, pulled his brother along the long white hallway. They went up to the third floor and stopped at room 217.

Kellin smiled brightly at the two faces that walked into his room. He couldn’t remember the shorter one but he remembered the taller one from most of his classes. There was something about the shorter one that Kellin could never forget though. He couldn’t forget the chocolate brown eyes that the shorter one had. He stared into the brown eyes of the tanned boy, making him smile slightly.

Vic felt a glimpse of hope rise in him as Kellin stared at him. Maybe Kellin did remember him. Vic wanted to explode from the happiness that he felt inside. His smile widened ever so slightly as both Mike and him moved closer to the bed Kellin laid on.

“Hey Kellin. Do you remember us?” Mike was the first to ask. He never really talked to Kellin before except for the few times they had to work as parents in one of their classes.

“Uh…I remember you, Mike. But who is that?” Kellin spoke quietly to Mike, pointing to Vic. Vic’s smile dropped and he felt the tears well up. All the hope that Vic felt quickly vanished. His happiness was crushed by the sudden weight of pain. 

He bolted out of the door and all the way out of the hospital. His vision was blurred and his mind was a mess. Vic felt like he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t get the air he needed to his lungs. He faintly heard the voice of Mike calling for him to stop, but he kept running. He ran until he got back to his house and locked himself in his bedroom.

Mike pounded on the door, begging him to come out. But Vic couldn’t. He wanted to be alone. He wanted Kellin to remember him. He wanted the shiny piece of metal that use to bring him such joy. Vic knew he was being dramatic about the whole situation, but then again, he cared for Kellin. He had admired him from the very beginning and there was no doubt in his mind that he was falling in love.

“Vic, he’s really sorry he can’t remember you. Maybe if you give him a few days and just talk to him, he might remember.” Mike tried to get Vic to come out of the room. This was just like a repeat when their dad couldn’t remember them. It was awful on Vic, since he was closer to their dad than Mike was and Vic had never really recovered from it.

Vic still ignored Mike on the other side of his door. He tossed things around his room, looking for the thing he wanted most. He didn’t care that he was breaking a promise he had made a year ago. He just needed to get rid some of the pain that he felt inside. He needed the release that only a razor could bring him.

He finally found his old razor in an empty shoe box. He sat on the edge of his bed, staring down at the razor he was about to use. He pushed up the many bracelets he wore to cover the countless white lines on his wrist. Slowly, he pushed the metal object into the sensitive part of his wrist, hissing in pain. He dragged the razor across and watched as the blood started to form a red line.

All the memories of his dad came back to him as he made more and more cuts on his wrist, starting to go up his arm. The memories of the car accident, to his dad forgetting them, to his dad finally passing. Every memory of that time was coming back like a ton of bricks and Vic couldn’t bring himself to stop his hand from making more cuts.

Finally, after about 40 cuts up and down his arm, he stopped. He felt disgusted with his self as he took in the mess he created. Some of his bracelets were stained with the blood coming from the many grazes on his forearm, blood dripped onto his black skinny jeans, and his hand and the razor were also stained red.

 He dropped the razor to the floor as he let out sobs. His shoulders shook violently and he clutched a pillow to his chest. He let everything out; all the pain, loneliness, anger, and frustration. Everything that Vic had kept bottled up was finally coming out in those loud sobs.

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