Chapter Nine.

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Sorry But The Next Few Chapters Are Going To be Short . Just Because I Don't Feel Like Working On The Story . Their Get Longer , Hopefully This Weekend When I Feel Like Doing It And Being Nice . But I'm Feeling Mean And Making You Guys Wait . :p

 It’s been almost a month since Kellin lost some of his memory. He was back in school; he had gained two friends, Justin and Gabe, and he seemed to be a bit happier than he was before. His dad was in jail for child abuse, meaning that Kellin lived on his own. But he was okay with that; he enjoyed it.

It’s also been a month since Kellin had hardly talked to Vic. Whenever he saw Vic, he would turn the other way. He had remembered Vic a week after he got released from the hospital and he was trying to avoid him. He didn’t want Vic to get hurt because of him. He was still abused at school for being gay, but not as much as he use too. He didn’t want them to hurt Vic either. And Kellin didn’t believe that he was worth Vic’s time.

Kellin still had the feelings of worthlessness, lonely, and pain. He still continued to hurt himself, after another day of a beating. There have been times that suicide crossed his mind again and again. The urges were strong but he kept fighting them, hoping the next day would be better than the last.

Vic, on the other hand, was going through hell. He kept thinking about his father, Mike had hardly talked to him since he cut again, Kellin avoided him, and his mother was hardly home. Vic felt more alone than ever and all he wanted was his father. He wanted his father to tell him that everything would be okay, like he’s always done. He wanted his father to help him with his problems and just be there. He had never missed his father so much before.

Now that he didn’t really have Mike, at the moment, he needed him more than ever. He just needed somebody to talk to. He needed a distraction. But he couldn’t turn to his trusty razor. That would only hurt his younger brother more than him. He didn’t want his younger brother to hurt because of him; Mike looked up to Vic.

Vic was so lost in his own thoughts that he almost didn’t hear the finally bell ring. Quickly gathering his things, he hurried out of the school. He needed to talk to Kellin and find out what he had done wrong.

His brown eyes scanned the students standing around, looking for the black haired boy. His eyes landed on the familiar boy and made his way to him. He gently grabbed Kellin’s arm, when he reached him halfway down the sidewalk, and he felt Kellin tense.

He turned around to face the person that had grabbed him, fearing that one of the jocks was following him. When his now bright blue eyes landed on Vic, he relaxed. “Vic? What do you want?” His tone came out harsher than he had expected it too, but he just wanted to get away from Vic.

He felt feelings for the tanned one; that much he knew. He would have no problem being with him if people weren’t such homophobic assholes. “Why are you ignoring me? I know you may not remember me that well, but what did I do wrong?”

Kellin took a good look at Vic. He had noticed the way his tan skin was slightly paler, his hair was messy, and his brown eyes were dull. Kellin sighed, taking a step back from the hurt boy.

“Look, Vic, whatever was going on between us isn’t happening anymore. You’re great and all, from what I remember and by what I’ve seen in school, but I just can’t do it. I’m sorry.” Kellin apologized. He didn’t know that he would feel the sharp pain in his chest when he broke off whatever was happening between the two.

Vic muttered a broken ‘okay’ before turning on his heel and heading in the direction of his house. Kellin watched him go with sad eyes. He knew he had hurt him but it was better than him getting beat up as well. He was doing what he thought was best. He just needed to get rid of the feelings and hopefully, they would disappear.

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