Chapter Twelve.

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This Chapter Is Short , And I Apologize . It's Really Really Short But I Figured You Guys Would Want An Update From Me , On This Story , Soon . So Here It Is ! Enjoy It You Little Fuckers . :)

Kellin eventually feel asleep, curled into Vic’s side. Vic smiled to himself, happy that he finally got the boy he had wanted for months. Vic couldn’t be happier than he was now. He felt like he had everything in his hands, even though all he had was Kellin. But Vic looked at Kellin as if he was his everything.

Vic watched Kellin, admiring the boy who slept soundly in his arms. Upon watching Kellin, Vic caught sight of white lines on his hips. He lightly traced his fingers over the many lines that covered the small boy’s hips.

Vic could feel the tears filling his eyes, as he glanced at every scar. He knew there had to be more that littered the boy’s body. He couldn’t imagine Kellin being in so much pain, enough pain that he had to take a razor to his pale skin. Vic could also understand why Kellin had done what he did, for he once did the same thing.

Vic leaned down and softly placed a kiss to every line he saw. Kellin stirred only slightly in his slumber, not quite ready to open his eyes. He felt Vic’s lips on his hips and Kellin instantly knew that Vic had seen the scars. Sure, Vic could have seen them when they had sex, but Kellin didn’t think Vic was paying attention to his hips.

Vic stopped kissing his hips, when he had kissed every one that his eyes fell upon, and laid back down beside Kellin. Vic moved a strand of black hair out of Kellin’s eyes just as they fluttered opened. He gave Kellin a lazy smile, the tears no longer in his eyes.

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