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*Three Years Later*

Kellin and Vic got married the year after they both graduated. A year after they married the decided to make another big decision. They adopted a little girl, around the age of two. They were both happy, the past behind them. They were moving on, ready for what the future held for them.

Vic had saved Kellin. He had saved Kellin from the darkness that was consuming him. He brought Kellin back to life, giving him a reason to keep breathing. Vic was Kellin’s only reason he had stayed, the only reason he kept breathing. And now, Kellin had two reason’s to keep breathing. His husband and his daughter.

Kellin had saved Vic also. Vic was slipping into depression, again, before he meet Kellin. Kellin was the hope he was searching for. The light at the end of a dark tunnel. He gave Vic the love he wanted. The comfort he wanted. And the perfect family he could ask for.

Kellin and Vic saved each other. They made each other whole. They completed each other. Kellin and Vic were the perfect match. They helped each other, stood be one other, and loved each other. Everything was perfect for them. Things were going right for the two.

For once, everything was going to be okay. 

The End.

I'll be your saviour // kellic Where stories live. Discover now