Chapter Thirteen.

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In that moment, both boys were in a state of complete happiness. There was nothing that could ruin their moment. They felt as if they were the only things that matter. Vic was all that mattered to Kellin. Kellin was all that mattered to Vic.

Vic and Kellin were drawn together during Kellin’s low point, in life. When Kellin thought there was no hope for him, like nobody was there for him, Vic appeared. It was as if God had listened to Kellin’s prays; the prays he silently said before crying himself to sleep.

Kellin was thankful for Vic, for without Vic he wouldn’t be here. He would be buried six feet underground. But Vic was there. He saved Kellin. He gave Kellin hope. He gave Kellin a reason to stick around, a reason to believe that everything would be okay. And everything was okay.

“Kellin, I think I love you.” The words that fell from Vic’s thin lips made a smile grew on Kellin’s face. Those words made his heart beat faster and the birds to burst from their cage and throw a party in his stomach.

Kellin raised an eyebrow at Vic. “You think you love me?” He teased the older one. Vic rolled his eyes fondly at the boy he was in love with. He pressed their lips together, feeling Kellin smile into the kiss.

“I know I’m in love with you.” Vic restated when he pulled away from the smiling boy. Kellin’s heart only beat faster. Not only did Vic say he loved Kellin, but he was in love with him.

“I’m in love with you too, Vic.” Both boys knew, in that moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, that they both had found the one they were meant to be with.

Suddenly, as quickly as the happiness appeared, it disappeared. Sadness filled the empty hole that the happiness left, for reality had finally caught up to them. Kellin was still going to leave. He was going to leave Vic find someone else to love and forget all about Vic.

“I don’t want you to go.” Vic’s voice was laced with sadness; and his smile turned into a frown. Kellin sighed and looked down, not wanting to see the sad look in Vic’s eyes.  “I know Vic. But there’s nowhere else I can go. I can’t live here on my own.” Kellin’s own smile had left his face, leaving behind a frown as well.

After moments of silence between them, Vic sprang from the bed. “I can live with you. You won’t be alone and you won’t have to move!” Vic exclaimed, the idea forming in his head.

Kellin raised his eyebrows at Vic, shifting so he was leaning on his elbows. “You just came up with that, didn’t you?” Kellin asked, amused at how quickly he could think of something. Vic nodded, proud that he could come up with an idea

A week later, Vic was moving his stuff into Kellin’s house. Kellin’s grandparents didn’t have the heart to tear the two apart. After seeing how in love they were, they just couldn’t do it. And Vic’s mother was the same way. She was happy that her son was finally learning to move on.

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